The registration page for the upcoming IndieWebSummit from June 26-27, 2018 in Portland is now up. Whether you’re just starting your first website or building bleeding edge web applications, this is the place to be. RSVP now! #Indieweb #BarCamp

If you’re game for an extended trip, I’ll note that it’s right after Open Source Bridge (Twitter icon with link to twitter account@OSBridge) June 20–23, 2017.

Oops, I’ve just noticed that OSBridge hadn’t updated their site from last year. This year’s conference is on June 29th, right after IWS!

Indieweb and Education Tweetstorm

Chris Aldrich:

I’ve posted an article about Indieweb and Education on the wiki at

I’ve posted an article about Academic Samizdat on the wiki at

I’ve also posted an article about commonplace books on the wiki at

I’m writing a multi-part series for academics on & Education based on these links.

Perhaps @profhacker might be interested in running such a series of articles?

I’m contemplating a proposal to @osbridge on and Education based on @t‘s recommendation ‏

May have to come up with something related for @mattervc based on @benwerd‘s tweet

In fashion, I’ve archived this tweetstorm using on my own site: