Read Off-duty Secret Service agent shoots and kills dog on a leash in Brooklyn (
The agent, whose name has not been released, was turning the corner from E. 8th St. onto Caton Place in Windsor Terrace about 9:45 p.m. when he came across a man and his girlfriend walking with a female Belgian Shepard.

👓 Trump is removing US Secret Service director | CNN

Read Trump is removing US Secret Service director by Jake Tapper, Evan Perez, and Betsy Klein (CNN)
United States Secret Service director Randolph "Tex" Alles is being removed from his position, multiple administration officials tell CNN.

Trump private security force ‘playing with fire’ | POLITICO

Read Trump private security force ‘playing with fire’ by Kenneth P. Vogel (POLITICO)
The president-elect continues to employ a battalion of retired cops and FBI agents to protect him and clamp down on protesters.