👓 Simple Location Version 3.5.2 Released | David Shanske

Liked Simple Location Version 3.5.2 Released by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (david.shanske.com)
As an update to the release I did earlier this week, I’ve released version 3.5.2 of Simple Location for WordPress. It fixes a long standing visibility issue, fixes widget titles which were introduced in 3.5, and adds a variety of style changes provided by a third party submitter(Thanks Asuh.com). ...

Simple Location’s Last Seen widget is revealing private locations

Filed an Issue Simple Location Plugin for WordPress (GitHub)
Adds Basic Location Support to Wordpress. Contribute to dshanske/simple-location development by creating an account on GitHub.
Using the version 3.5.2 of Simple Location, I’m most recently checked into a location that is marked as private, but the location widget indicates “Private” followed by the exact street address to the private location to which I’m checked in. Previously the widget showed the most recent public location, but now it’s explicitly uncovering private locations.

Perhaps it’s related to the recent fix that was causing private posts to be marked public?

Simple Location’s “Last Seen” widget is revealing private locations.

❤️ Simple Location Version 3.5.0 Released | David Shanske

Liked Simple Location Version 3.5.0 Released by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (david.shanske.com)
Version 3.5.0 of my location plugin, Simple Location, is now out(forgot to push a fix and had to release 3.5.1 as well). Simple Location is, as time goes on, anything but Simple. It is all about location, including the weather at your location. It adds this to posts, and offers several simple widget...
Looks like some awesome changes! Congratulations (and Thanks) David!

Reply to vishae’s issue Affects the status of private posts

Replied to Affects the status of private posts · Issue #70 · dshanske/simple-location by vishaevishae (GitHub)
I've noticed this issue for a little while now but it's only today that I took the time to try and weed out the source. Whenever I update a post marked as private (visibility set to private), the post would get published to the public instead. Even when I edit the post to try to set it to private again, it still remains public. I have to go to the All Post (edit.php) page and quick edit the post to change the privacy there. It's only when I deactivated simple-locations this issue stopped happening and I can update and change the privacy of my posts in the indvidual post editing page.
I could have sworn I filed this as an issue before myself, but I’m not seeing it in the queue. Perhaps I mentioned in chat somewhere?

Simple location’s privacy setting seems to override the post’s public/private settings on my site as well. Perhaps it’s a naming conflict (function/filter/etc.) with WP’s core content visibility code?

In any case, I can’t make a post private while Simple Location is installed/activated either. This seems to happen regardless of other plugins. I do seem to be able to use @vishae’s method of using the quick edit option to change a post to private. I’m not sure if this may indicate a potential solution to the issue based on what is firing on a post save/update versus what fires on a quick edit save.

Additionally, I don’t seem to be able to mark a particular location as “private” in a post either as upon saving it it defaults back to public in the UI. I only seem to be able to use “public” or “protected” options for locations.

Per post map view

Filed an Issue Simple Location (GitHub)
Adds Basic Location Support to Wordpress. Contribute to dshanske/simple-location development by creating an account on GitHub.
Per our conversation and since there are map style features now:

I kind of like the Satellite map views, particularly for the Ireland stops. May be useful to have a toggle per post to do that versus street map view for more city-based posts.

I don’t do it often, but checkins on hikes or vacations would be cooler with satellite view (or topographic view if they had it) while city-stops would be better displayed with traditional line maps.