Bookmarked Britney Spears spelling correction (
The data below shows some of the misspellings detected by our spelling correction system for the query [ britney spears ], and the count of how many different users spelled her name that way. Each of these variations was entered by at least two different unique users within a three month period, and was corrected to [ britney spears ] by our spelling correction system (data for the correctly spelled query is shown for comparison).
There’s potentially some interesting corpus linguistics implied in some of this data.

hat tip: Kevin Marks

👓 Pet Sematary Ruined a Generation’s Ability to Spell Cemetery | Slate

Read Pet Sematary Ruined a Generation’s Ability to Spell Cemetery (Slate Magazine)
It started with Stephen King’s book. With the new movie, the curse is poised to go international.

👓 Shavian alphabet | Wikipedia

Read Shavian alphabet (Wikipedia)
The Shavian alphabet (also known as the Shaw alphabet) is an alphabet conceived as a way to provide simple, phonetic orthography for the English language to replace the difficulties of conventional spelling. It was posthumously funded by and named after Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw. Shaw set three main criteria for the new alphabet: it should be (1) at least 40 letters; (2) as "phonetic" as possible (that is, letters should have a 1:1 correspondence to phonemes); and (3) distinct from the Latin alphabet to avoid the impression that the new spellings were simply "misspellings".
hat tip to