Watched Welcome to Winona (Big Game 2020 Film) from Squarespace | YouTube

Winona embarks on journey of self discovery to find the true Winona. First stop: Winona.
View Winona’s photo essay at

I’m not sure I quite got the shorter version that aired during the Super Bowl.

I do quite like their tagline here of “A website makes it real”.

📺 Make It With Keanu Reeves (Squarespace) | YouTube

Watched Make It With Keanu Reeves by Squarespace from YouTube
When passion meets inspiration, an obsession is born. Hold on to this dream and tell the world. All you need is a domain and a website from Squarespace. The world is waiting. Make it. (Super Bowl LII ad)

A little cheeseball in some sense, but this looks a lot like what generation 3 is looking for product-wise.