My recurring five month subscription shipment of 500 Oxford lined index cards arrived just in time tonight. I had exactly two left. 😓🗃️😌
Tag: subscription services is another good discovery/bookmarking tool for podcasts. It has RSS feeds for everything on the site including custom searches that could potentially pick up your favorite contributors. The bookmarking functionality also makes it easy for you to quickly add things you find to one or more followable feeds for the one-off guest appearances you may hear about.
👓 So some people will pay for a subscription to a news site. How about two? Three? | Nieman Journalism Lab
New York magazine and Quartz both now want readers to pay up. How deep into their pockets will even dedicated news consumers go for a second (or third or fourth) read?
👓 MoviePass Rival Sinemia Drops Prices to Dirt Cheap on Weekdays | Gizmodo
MoviePass broke the mold on theater subscription services and broke itself in the process, but the whole idea itself is not dead. Sinemia is carrying on with more modest deals, and it’s now offering weekday-only subscription plans that start at $4 per month.