👓 Welcome to Indie Digital Media | Indie Digital Media

Read Welcome to Indie Digital Media by Richard MacManus (Indie Digital Media)
Indie Digital Media (IDM) is a new blog for digital media creators and their fans.  For creators: whatever form of digital media you produce - website, podcast, online video, music, ebooks, digital art, software, games, etc. - IDM will offer you a regular stream of resources and inspiration. For fans: you'll…

🔖 Creative Clarity by Jon Kolko

Bookmarked Creative Clarity by Jon Kolko (Brown Bear LLC)

This book is built on a simple premise: Most companies don't know what creativity really is, so they can't benefit from it. They lack creative clarity. 

Creative clarity requires you to do four things:
1. Choreograph a creative strategy, describing a clear future even among the blurry business landscape.
2. Grow teams that include those creative, unpredictable outcasts;  give them the space to produce amazing work; and build a unique form of trust in your company culture.
3. Institutionalize an iterative process of critique, conflict, and ideation.
4. Embrace chaos but manage creative spin and stagnation. 

This book is primarily for people in charge of driving strategic change through an organization. If you are a line manager responsible for exploring a horizon of opportunity, the book will help you establish a culture of creative product development in which your teams can predictably deliver creative results. You'll learn methods to drive trust among your team members to enable you to critique and improve their work. And as an organizational leader, you'll complement your traditional business strategies with the new language and understanding you need to implement creativity in a strategic manner across your company.

In a creative environment, chaos is the backdrop for hidden wonderment and success. In this book, you'll gain clarity in the face of that chaos, so you can build great products, great teams, and a high-performing creative organization.  

hat tip: Human Current

👓 Blocking Domains in webmention.io | Aaron Parecki

Read Blocking Domains in webmention.io by Aaron PareckiAaron Parecki (Aaron Parecki)
For the past week or so, I've been getting a series of Pingbacks from a spam blog that reposts a blog post a couple times a day as a new post each time. It's up to about 220 copies of the post, each one having sent me a Pingback, and each one showing up in my reader as a notification, which also cau...

Indie Digital Media by Richard MacManus

Followed Indie Digital Media by Richard MacManus (Indie Digital Media)

For creators & fans of independent digital media

A new blog by our friend Richard MacManus has not only hit the digital presses, but there are several posts up already. Like most of what he writes, this looks like it will also be required reading. I suspect it’ll also be of interest to the broader IndieWeb community as well.

Seeing this also reminds me to finish compiling a list I had started based on one of our conversations about topic-specific indie blogs.

📖 Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer demand equal airtime to respond to Trump’s address | CNN

Read Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer demand equal airtime to respond to Trump's address by Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy (CNN)
The major television networks said that they will provide wall-to-wall coverage of President Donald Trump's prime time address on border security on Tuesday.
This coverage is sure to be I’ll thought out and disastrous. The opposition party should definitely get equal time.

I’ll boycott any network that doesn’t have the text in advance with fact checking and ample time for rebuttal after.

👓 Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer demand equal airtime to respond to Trump’s address | CNN

Read Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer demand equal airtime to respond to Trump's address by Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy (CNN)
The major television networks said that they will provide wall-to-wall coverage of President Donald Trump's prime time address on border security on Tuesday.
This journalistic decision is sure to be completely ill advised.

I’m very seriously considering any major network that airs this without obtaining the text of the speech in advance and without serious fact checking and without additional rebuttal time for the opposition party in advance.

There is absolutely no credible threat of anything at the border and this play is pure politics. If there were a credible threat, then there should be someone from the Pentagon giving the briefing and it should happen immediately and not tomorrow.

🔖 Zipf’s, Heaps’ and Taylor’s laws are determined by the expansion into the adjacent possible

Bookmarked Zipf's, Heaps' and Taylor's laws are determined by the expansion into the adjacent possible by Francesca Tria, Vittorio Loreto, Vito D. P. Servedio (arXiv.org)
Zipf's, Heaps' and Taylor's laws are ubiquitous in many different systems where innovation processes are at play. Together, they represent a compelling set of stylized facts regarding the overall statistics, the innovation rate and the scaling of fluctuations for systems as diverse as written texts and cities, ecological systems and stock markets. Many modeling schemes have been proposed in literature to explain those laws, but only recently a modeling framework has been introduced that accounts for the emergence of those laws without deducing the emergence of one of the laws from the others or without ad hoc assumptions. This modeling framework is based on the concept of adjacent possible space and its key feature of being dynamically restructured while its boundaries get explored, i.e., conditional to the occurrence of novel events. Here, we illustrate this approach and show how this simple modelling framework, instantiated through a modified Polya's urn model, is able reproduce Zipf's, Heaps' and Taylor's laws within a unique self-consistent scheme. In addition the same modelling scheme embraces other less common evolutionary laws (Hoppe's model and Dirichlet processes) as particular cases.

👓 How to be More Productive and Eliminate Time Wasting Activities by Using the “Eisenhower Box” | James Clear

Read How to be More Productive and Eliminate Time Wasting Activities by Using the “Eisenhower Box” by James Clear

Eisenhower’s strategy for taking action and organizing your tasks is simple. Using the decision matrix below, you will separate your actions based on four possibilities.

  1. Urgent and important (tasks you will do immediately).
  2. Important, but not urgent (tasks you will schedule to do later).
  3. Urgent, but not important (tasks you will delegate to someone else).
  4. Neither urgent nor important (tasks that you will eliminate).

The great thing about this matrix is that it can be used for broad productivity plans (“How should I spend my time each week?”) and for smaller, daily plans (“What should I do today?”).

👓 How the Border Wall Is Boxing Trump In | New York Times

Read How the Border Wall Is Boxing Trump In (New York Times)
What started out as a memory trick for an undisciplined candidate has become the central priority of the Trump presidency, even as some immigration hard-liners do not view it as a top goal.

👓 Mainstream Media Is Blowing Its Coverage Of Elizabeth Warren's DNA Test | HuffPost

Read Mainstream Media Is Blowing Its Coverage Of Elizabeth Warren's DNA Test (HuffPost)
Tribal leaders and Native people say the senator is an ally — and they support her look at her ancestry. But hardly anyone asked them.

👓 First on CNN: Hundreds of TSA screeners calling out sick | CNN

Read First on CNN: Hundreds of TSA screeners calling out sick by Rene Marsh and Gregory Wallace, CNN (CNN)
Hundreds of Transportation Security Administration officers, who are required to work without paychecks through the partial government shutdown, have called out from work this week from at least four major airports

👓 Professor Emeritus David Henderson dies in accident | Cornell Chronicle

Read Professor Emeritus David Henderson dies in accident (Cornell Chronicle)
Professor Emeritus David Wilson Henderson, whose commitment to mathematics education stretched into retirement, died Dec. 20 in Delaware, at age 79.