A reply to David Shanske regarding implementation of the DiSo Project

Replied to a post by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (David Shanske)

People continued working on it. Everything you need using W3C standards like Webmention, Microformats2…give it a try? https://IndieWeb.org/WordPress/Plugins
I suspect that @chrismessina could do it quickly, but for those who’d like to leave Twitter for with similar functionality (but greater flexibility and independence), I recorded a 2 hour video for an #IndieWeb set up/walk through with some high level discussion a few months back. If you can do the 5 minute install, hopefully most of the rest is downhill with some basic plugin installation and minor configuration. The end of the walk through includes a live demonstration of a conversation between a WordPress site on one domain and a WithKnown site running on another domain.

tl;dr for the video:

Additional pieces are discussed on my IndieWeb Research Page (focusing mostly on WordPress), in addition to IWC getting started on WordPress wiki page. If you need help, hop into the IndieWeb WordPress chat.

For those watching this carefully, you’ll notice that I’ve replied to David Shanske’s post on his website using my own website and sent him a webmention which will allow him to display my reply (if he chooses). I’ve also automatically syndicated my response to the copy of his reply on Twitter which includes others who are following the conversation there. Both he and I have full copies of the conversation on our own site and originated our responses from our own websites. If you like, retweet, or comment on the copy of this post on Twitter, through the magic of Brid.gy and the Webmention spec, it will come back to the comment section on my original post (after moderation).

Hooray for web standards! And hooray for everyone in the IndieWeb who are helping to make this type of social interaction easier and simpler with every passing day.

Published by

Chris Aldrich

I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, IndieWeb, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media.

7 thoughts on “A reply to David Shanske regarding implementation of the DiSo Project”

    1. Tom, The best fork of the TwentySixteen theme specifically for IndieWeb use is David Shanske’s at https://github.com/dshanske/twentysixteen-indieweb.

      The one you’ve pointed to is a child theme meant to be used in conjunction with the base TwentySixteen theme but with some IndieWeb-centric modifications that I use on my site presently. (It was also meant as an example of how to set up and use a child theme as well.) Most of the modifications for the “child” are in the functions.php file. If I recall correctly, that child theme adds in some additional mf2 properties, but not everything it should (yet). In (IndieWeb) practice, I find it works pretty well, but without some of the more drastic changes David’s more customized version does–his completely removes Post Formats in favor of his Post Kinds plugin. I wouldn’t use the child theme or David’s fork with the mf2 plugin.

      In general, if a theme properly supports all the mf2 properties, then it shouldn’t use the mf2 WordPress plugin, which can cause some conflicts/problems with some themes. In fact, if I recall correctly, themes like Sempress, Independent Publisher, and David’s TwentySixteen fork specifically declare that they support mf2, and the mf2 plugin should automatically (and silently) not run so that the code isn’t replicated. The mf2 plugin has had some problems in the past because it is doing its best to inject microformats v2 into themes without knowing what they may or may not have already, thus potentially causing code duplication, problems with things the theme may be overriding, or–in cases like the TwentyFourteen theme–breaking the CSS because the theme is improperly using mf2 classes for CSS instead of for semantic reasons.

      I think the current consensus about the mf2 plugin is to not use it, but instead to favor the recent https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-mf2-feed. Instead of relying on WordPress core and the user’s particular theme to appropriately implement microformats, this plugin attempts to create a separate side file (similar to how RSS files are done in WordPress) using a rel=”alternate” link to show the proper microformats on a page’s output. Parsers that want the appropriate mark up can then use this alternate representation instead of the page itself. In general, this plugin and the side file are meant as a stopgap until there are more modern themes with appropriate support.

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