Replied to a tweet by Tracy DurnellTracy Durnell (Twitter)
Tracy, you’re not shouting into the void. If you’re interested, a few of us are hosting a free pop-up session that will cover that issue (and a lot more) in just a few weeks: Getting Started with WordPress, an IndieWebCamp Pop-up Session. Also happy to discuss it at any of the upcoming Homebrew Website Club Meetups too!

Published by

Chris Aldrich

I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, IndieWeb, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media.

5 thoughts on “”

  1. Thanks Chris, I’m planning to come to the meetup this week! Be nice to meet some other people working on their own websites 🙂 The wordpress specific one could be good too, I’ve added some plugins to start but haven’t totally wrapped my head around making the most of them 🙂

    1. Tracy, thanks for stopping by last night, it was great to have you! Hopefully we gave you some helpful ideas about what you might do. I’m not sure if anyone mentioned it but has some good examples and prior design thinking on some of your question.

      One of my favorite parts of the wiki is being able to see some design ideas and thoughts of others to see what is out there and then using that to make a decision about what might work best for me. (Of course about half the time, I also drive off into the forest for a while before deciding I’ve made a drastic mistake and that I ought to get onto the proverbial dirt or well-paved roads. But who could blame me? I have the limitation that I’m neither a coder/developer nor designer.)

      Somewhat related, I remember when I was adding lots of new content to my website. I went from maybe 20 posts a year on my site to well over 20,000 this past year, so thinking about what you want as well as wheat your readers might tolerate is worth thinking about. (I definitely did not do this overnight. So take things one step at a time.)

      A while back I wrote up some notes about what I did with RSS feeds and some details I changed so that the couple hundred email subscribers to my older/sparser blog wouldn’t be inundated by my newer posting frequency:

      I also remember a useful WordPress plugin that Ryan Barrett uses for excluding some categories/tags from displaying on pages or in feeds. This post may give you some context:

      For a lot of my content I use the Post Kinds Plugin to help categorize a lot of my content and provide individual feeds for different content.

      Thanks again for joining us, and do feel free to stop in again or ask about any questions you have at

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      1. Thank you Chris for this wealth of info! It was really interesting talking to everyone last night, even if some of the technical details were over my head 🙂 I appreciated everyone sharing their philosophy and how thoughtfully all the topics were discussed. Got lots to consider!

      2. Hoping to make it to the WordPress event you mentioned before, I might have work overlapping part but hopefully the timing works out! The IndieWeb community seems so welcoming and supportive, I’m glad I found it!

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