Month: September 2020
Seven controversial tips for learning Welsh. Mae Nick Yeo wedi dysgu Cymraeg ac eisiau i ti gael yr hyder i siarad yr iaith hefyd – dim ots am y camgymeriada...
Domain of One’s Own Meetup (September 2020)
We expect there will be students, teachers, designers, web developers, technologists, and people of all ages and ranges of ability from those just starting out with a domain to those running DoOO programs at colleges or even people running their own hosting companies.
We’ll meet via Zoom for audio/video and will use an Etherpad for real-time chat and note taking for the event.
We will
- Have discussions about A Domain of One’s Own and the independent web;
- Get to know others in the space;
- Find potential collaborators for domains-related projects you’re working on;
- Explore new and interesting ideas about what one can do or accomplish with a personal domain;
- Create or update your domain
- Ask colleagues for help/advice on problems or issues you’re having with your domain;
- Welcome/Brief introductions
- Main topic: This summer Reclaim Hosting launched Reclaim Cloud, but for many new and established Domains users, the “cloud” has been a nebulous buzzword with unclear meanings. In this meeting we’ll talk about what it is and why it might be important for gaining greater control over your personal cyberinfrastructure.
- Group photo for those who wish to participate
- Demos, questions, problems:
Ideally everyone should bring a topic, short demonstration of something they’ve built or gotten working on their website, a question, or problem to discuss with the group. Depending on time and interest, we can try to spend 5-10 minutes discussing and providing feedback on each of these. If questions go over this time limitation, we can extend the conversation in smaller groups as necessary after the meetup.
To RSVP to the meetup, please (optionally) do one of the following:
- Make a comment to indicate your attendance at the original event post;
- Tweet your RSVP reply to this Tweet;
- Comment your RSVP on the Reclaim Hosting Community post about the event;
- RSVP to the
- Extra bonus points if you can go full Domain of One’s Own and Publish an indie RSVP on your own website/domain and send a webmention to this post.
Future meetups
While the time frame for this meetup may work best for some in the Americas, everyone with interest is most welcome. If there are others in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, or other locales who are interested, do let us know what dates/times might work for you in the future and we can try to organize a time to maximize some attendance there. I’m happy to help anyone who’d like to take the leadership of other time zones or locales to leverage some of the resources of the IndieWeb community to assist in starting future meetings to cover other areas of the world.
Have a topic idea for discussion at the next session? Drop us a line by adding a comment to this post or one of the syndicated copies, ping me in chat, or track me down on your platform and means of communication of choice.
Invite your friends, colleagues, and students
Know someone who would be interested in joining? Please forward this event, or one of the syndicated copies to them on your platform or modality of choice.
Featured image: Hard Drive Repair flickr photo by wwarby shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license
Let me show you how I have configured IndieWeb module on my Drupal 8 site. Hopefully it will help you in case you want to do the same thing.
Directed by Peter Gould. Skyler looks to continue her family's trend of appearing poverty-stricken by forcing Walt to return the car he bought. A concerned Walt chauffeurs Hank to Los Pollos Hermanos, and the articulate yet immobile DEA agent collects prints.
Nothing bonds a group more tightly than a common enemy that is perceived as a mortal threat.
A powerful tribal identity bonds the president to his supporters. As Amy Chua, the author of Political Tribes: Group Instinct and the Fate of Nations, has argued, the tribal instinct is not just to belong, but also to exclude and to attack. “When groups feel threatened,” Chua writes, “they retreat into tribalism. They close ranks and become more insular, more defensive, more punitive, more us-versus-them.” ❧
Annotated on September 06, 2020 at 10:34AM
“Motivation conditions cognition,” Jonathan Rauch, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a contributing writer at The Atlantic, wisely told me. Very few Trump supporters I know are able to offer an honest appraisal of the man. To do so creates too much cognitive dissonance. ❧
Annotated on September 06, 2020 at 10:36AM
That they are defending a person who is fundamentally malicious, even if he makes judicial appointments of which they approve, is too painful for them to admit. ❧
But surely in the multi-millions of Republicans, they could find someone who could also appoint those judges, but not have the myriad moral failings that Trump does. For surely if they can’t, then they’re doomed to failure and misery sooner or later.
Annotated on September 06, 2020 at 10:38AM
But what’s different in this case is that Trump, because of the corruption that seems to pervade every area of his life and his damaged psychological and emotional state, has shown us just how much people will accept in their leaders as a result of “negative partisanship,” the force that binds parties together less in common purpose than in opposition to a shared opponent. ❧
Annotated on September 06, 2020 at 10:41AM
At the Canada-U.S. border, I encountered a study in contrasts.
It did not have to be this way. But as Trump aptly said of himself and his policy, “It is what it is.” He accepted more disease in hopes of stimulating a stronger economy and winning reelection. He’s waiting now for the return on that bet. As so often in his reckless career, his speculation seems to be that if the bet wins, he pockets the proceeds. And if the bet fails? The losses fall on others. ❧
A very apt description of Trump’s life philosophy. Also a broad perspective at how many Republicans and Libertarians seem to view the world economically: privatizing profits and socializing losses.
Annotated on September 06, 2020 at 10:55AM