Bookmarked I Like Index Cards by Aegir Aegir (
I've been meaning to do some kind of index card style template for the site for ages and never got round to it. Now I have. I’m quite pleased with it. CSS repeating gradient lines and all that. 
An absolutely beautiful design for short notes. This is the sort of theme that will appeal to zettelkasten users who are building digital gardens. A bit of the old mixed in with the new.

Pete Moor in // ()

Replied to a tweet by Theresia Tanzil (Twitter)
@theresiatanzil Usually via a pre-built memory palace for mobile notes, then I transcribe later.
Replied to a tweet by Ingo Steinke (Twitter)
@MicroDotBlog is a lovely, full-featured platform that meets you where you’re at by supplying the pieces you may be missing. If you’ve already got your own site, you can plug it in and use it as a reader; it supplies notifications if you don’t support webmention; etc.