@ryanrandall @natalie I’m seeing more HCommons folx looking at #IndieWeb, so I’ll mention that I’ve got several IndieWeb friendly sites including on #WordPress as does @KFitz, who I think has also been experimenting with static sites lately. If you need support, there’s a great and helpful community you’ll find at https://chat.indieweb.org for all your questions. You might find some useful tidbits and examples at https://indieweb.org/Indieweb_for_Education as well.
Published by
Chris Aldrich
I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, IndieWeb, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media. View all posts by Chris Aldrich
@chrisaldrich Thanks again, Chris—I’d previously only seen the main page of that wiki! I’m still mentally sorting out the connections between IndieWeb, microformats, etc.For my own use case, I’m mostly content to stick to the Jekyll site I’ve had for quite a while.I ended up looking at the source for Barnaby Walters’ site to figure out how to get the h-card to show up with both my blog posts and “digital garden” notes (like https://www.ryanpatrickrandall.com/notes/Technology/VS-Code/daybreak-theme )I like the focus on principles! At the moment, in addition to sorting out how the tech pieces could connect together, I’m just trying to figure out how “indie” a thing needs to be to “qualify” as indie.For instance, is hosting with GH Pages sufficiently indie? Is adopting / adapting someone else’s theme, like I’ve done with MinimalMistakes or the other code I’ve used for the digital garden?Basically, I don’t want to be the equivalent of a person who only does Meatless Mondays, but calls themselves a vegetarian.
Daybreak Theme
@ryanrandall Generally if you’ve got a site on your own domain, then you’re as IndieWeb as the best of us. Anything above and beyond that is just extra icing on the cake. (GH Pages definitely counts!) By asking questions in the chat, you’ll get lots of help/pointers/direction for material you can borrow/reuse and advice from people who’ve paved a lot of the paths before you. They’ve helped me not reinvent so many wheels and shave fewer Yaks that I should name my my first born IndieWeb at this point.
Syndicated copies:
@ryanrandall Generally if you’ve got a site on your own domain, then you’re as IndieWeb as the best of us. Anything above and beyond that is just extra icing on the cake. (GH Pages definitely counts!) By asking questions in the chat, you’ll get lots of help/pointers/direction for material you can borrow/reuse and advice from people who’ve paved a lot of the paths before you. They’ve helped me not reinvent so many wheels and shave fewer Yaks that I should name my my first born IndieWeb at this point.(https://boffosocko.com/2023/01/10/55813641/?replytocom=402638#respond)
HCommons and the IndieWeb
This applies to you too @cplong!
(I’ve just seen your excellent little post at https://cplong.org/2023/01/return-to-blogging/)
Syndicated copies:
@ryanrandall @natalie @kfitz This applies to you too @cplong ! I’ve just seen your excellent little post at https://cplong.org/2023/01/return-to-blogging/(https://boffosocko.com/2023/01/10/55813641/?replytocom=402660#respond)
Return to Blogging – Christopher P. Long
@OohDirectory Other reason I ask is because, back in the day (early 00s) when Netscape and Microsoft were embattled in a bitter browser war of increasing incompatibility (you might remember this), the community rallied around Web Standards. It became the thing to blog about Web Standards and a whole community flourished. It was multiplicative and wonderful.I just wish there were more ways people could rally around #IndieWeb, which is spiritually the same community as before rising up again.