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I imagine that she’s purchased more than her fair share of books, but knowing some of her background, she’s “cheating” a tad since her job is reading/reviewing books which means the majority of her collection was sent to her for free. Of course she also has the added bonus that she’s probably actually read the larger portion of her library in comparison to most.
Liked There's a light over in the IndieWeb space by Jason YavorskaJason Yavorska (

In the end, I'm really glad the IndieWeb is out there as a kind of light in the darkness of what can otherwise seem like a more or less completely corporate daily web experience. It's weird in a good way. It's not corporate at all. It's rough around the edges and not tuned for maximum engagement. There are interesting people.. I've already connected with a few who are doing all kinds of creative things.

I feel like I've found a cozy little corner where people are following their passion, connecting with each other, and building creative things together. Long live the IndieWeb!

Liked Tits update by Jeremy CherfasJeremy Cherfas (
Lovely morning for just sitting quietly in the sun waiting for the birds. And what a difference a bit of sun makes, because these were shot at 1/2000, which certainly helps. Blue tit with a bug in its mouth just before entering its nest Blue tit in flight after leaving its nest in a hollow terracott...
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Liked a tweet by Tai-Danae Bradley (@math3ma) (Twitter)
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Bookmarked Old Fashioned by Tom MacWrightTom MacWright (

This is a website that I made about cocktails. I'm not a huge cocktail nerd (drinking is bad, probably), but think that they're cool. And the world's pretty bad right now and making this has been calming.

It gave me a chance to both tinker with technology I usually don't use (Elm), and explore some of the cool properties of cocktails: notably that they're pretty similar and have standardized ingredients, so they can be described in relationship to each other.

So some of it might seem funky. By default, the list is sorted by 'feasibility': as you add ingredients that you have, it'll put recipes that you can make (or barely make) closer to the top. Also, click on 'Grid' for a wacky adjacency grid of cocktails and their ingredients.

Also, for vim fans, there’s j & k support.

IndieWeb for trying times!

hat tip: