Liked a tweet by Michael SteeleMichael Steele (Twitter)
Liked a tweet by Johan BovéJohan Bové (Twitter)
Just wait until your friends start complaining when they realize that the SEO on their names and photos is ruined by your website ranking so far above their own websites and social.
Liked a thread by SaveTheNeurotypicalsSaveTheNeurotypicals (Twitter)
The original tweet (below) that I liked at the start of the thread was deleted:

Liked a tweet by Laura GibbsLaura Gibbs (Twitter)

❤️ vboykis tweeted I can forgive Twitter for stuff like,,,destroying the free world and inciting cancel culture

Liked a tweet by Vicki Boykis on TwitterVicki Boykis on Twitter (Twitter)
Vicki, I’m sure you mentioned it purely for your awesome and inimitable snark and you’re obviously otherwise aware… but for everyone else who’s suffering:

Why not keep your avatar on a website you own and control? If it’s at a permalink you control, you can even replace the photo and those who hotlink/transclude it will allow you to update it automatically over time. As an example, I keep one of me at Having a permalink to my own avatar was the only reason I got a website, and now look what I’ve gotten myself into…

If I recall correctly, when you delete or replace those Twitter avatars, the old links go dead and they generate a new link anyway.

❤️ dimensionmedia tweeted Armchair WordCampers: Discover #WordPress friends in California w/ @WordCampRS

Liked a tweet by David Bisset on Twitter (Twitter)

👓 Indieweb Updates and Thoughts | Roy Tang

Liked Indieweb Updates and Thoughts by Roy TangRoy Tang (Roy Tang)
I mentioned before that I was looking into indieweb stuff. There’s a whole wiki of information about it if you’re into that sort of thing, but also here’s a recent post which kind of serves as an overview. I have some comments on the content of this post, more on that later. Indieweb things I?...
Congratulations Roy!