Have you watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix? Curious what to do next to help solve the (your) problem? The IndieWeb’s Homebrew Website Club will be discussing just that at 6:30 Pacific tonight after The Social Dilemma Round Table.

Join us here: https://events.indieweb.org/2020/09/homebrew-website-club-west-coast-zwt9zal3H3DP

Soot-covered air filter
I swapped it out in July and it should still have had a few weeks/months left in it, but the fires apparently have caked it up. Based on previous changes of filters in the house every 3 months, this looks like about 2 years or more of dust build up. Changed it because the filter seemed to be whistling in the ducting.
The wind has shifted and the smoke in the atmosphere isn’t as suffocating as it has been until this morning. I still can’t see the Bobcat fire from the house by looking up at the mountain, but it’s apparently very close to Mt. Wilson and the closest part of the fireline is about 3 miles from the house. Things generally aren’t looking good. I suspect we may see flames before the evening is out.
RSVPed Attending Webmention + Next.js (with Monica Powell)
Episode Details
Thursday, October 1, 9:30 - 11:30 AM PDT
Guest: Monica Powell
This episode will air live at twitch.tv/jlengstorf!

Did you know that Webmentions let you pull tweets, other blogs, and other activity from around the web into your site? In this episode, Monica Powell teaches us how to add it to a Next.js site!
This looks intriguing. Great to see people that I don’t immediately recognize in the IndieWeb community doing live coding tutorials in the wild!

I’ve syndicated a copy of the event to IndieWeb Events if others want to join.

Read “I Have Blood on My Hands”: A Whistleblower Says Facebook Ignored Global Political Manipulation (BuzzFeed News)
A 6,600-word internal memo from a fired Facebook data scientist details how the social network knew about specific examples of global political manipulation — and failed to act.
A reminder to continue on my quest to remove my data from Facebook and delete my account.

“In the office, I realized that my viewpoints weren’t respected unless I acted like an arrogant asshole,” Zhang said. 

Sad that one would have to act like a techbro to have their message at work be heard.
Annotated on September 14, 2020 at 09:40PM

Liked a tweet (Twitter)
A very important point to consider. I need to create a feed of some of these people to follow. I have one called Weapons of Math Destruction that’s pretty close to this, and focused on artificial intelligence, algorithms, and ethics.