Publicly documenting our relationships makes perfect sense only to engineers, sociopaths, and advertisers. Okay, and probably the FBI.
— Derek Powazek (@fraying) Dec 8, 2021
Follow lists shouldn't be public. This is one of the cardinal sins of Web 2.0.
— Derek Powazek (@fraying) Dec 8, 2021
Ladies, if he: -has original wood boards -has traces of pink leather binding -has a clear place where a tab should be -was written by William Darker He’s not your man he’s a Syon Abbey manuscript in its original binding
— Julia King (@julialilinoe) Dec 2, 2021
Uhhh my boss just asked me for Twitter engagement numbers... Who loves books? Like if you love books, reply if you hate them
— ECW Press (@ecwpress) Dec 2, 2021
Redesigned and rebuilt the digital garden over the last 2 months. Spruced up some styles and swapped to Next.js (@vercel) Everything has been replanted in the right order. Still working on nice-to-haves like search / filtering, but it's getting there.
— Maggie Appleton (@Mappletons) Dec 3, 2021
Now available here: DM me or email me at "doctor" plus "my last name" (all one word) at g mail dot you know, and I will send you my chapter in this book as a sample for FREE!
— Dr. Matthew Everhard (@matt_everhard) Dec 2, 2021

I'm replying to you from my #IndieWeb site on a domain I own that then publishes to Twitter so I can interact with you, but still owned by me. It's built on open standards ( and is a great community around owning your data
"Hark" is the herald angel's name, actually.
— Ian Bogost (@ibogost) Dec 1, 2021
“Livability is my true north. I don’t want you to worry about constantly fluffing your pillows. I gravitate toward things that look better with time, pieces that feel like they have stories of their own.”
— Bushra Farooqui (@startuployalist) Dec 1, 2021
7 year old, bewildered at the dinner table, "Daddy, you don't like capitalism? What's wrong with big letters?"
— Johanna Winant (@johannawinant) Aug 3, 2021
40 course illustrations done! Hundreds of thousands to go...
— (@hyperlink_a) Aug 2, 2021
It's a stellar week of conferences and workshops for all things digital in higher ed, including #IAnno21, the #DoOO Roadshow, #LACOL2021, and vCLAC2021 all happening. Buckle up!
— Mo Pelzel (@MorrisPelzel) Jun 21, 2021
In November 2018, we went to Orlando to perform the Parkeology Challenge. We came close, but did not succeed. We had always hoped to try again, but illness, as well as the pandemic restricting travel, had pushed it off. Now one of the team is no longer with us(the one who took the photo). I’ve n...

I've redone my #academic website using @eleven_ty It is fun to play with various data sources like @CrossrefOrg api as a complement to #webmention. I also took some inspiration and code from @nhoizey
— Maël Montévil (@MMontevil) May 12, 2021
Excited about setting up a #TiddlyWiki. Next step, try adding #TiddlyBlink. Soon I’ll have my own #DigitalGarden.
— girrodocus (@girrodocus) April 22, 2021