🔖 Mastodon hosted on indieweb.me

Bookmarked Mastodon hosted on indieweb.me (indieweb.me)

Une instance mastodon personnelle ouverte pour explorations d'interface-utilisateur admin avant d'envisager des usages de famille.

This Mastodon instance hosted by masto.host was installed on September 12, 2018. During installation, it will be accessible on request to all french indieweb members and all users who have joined the #indieweb channel at jamstatic. The working language will be French. The setting is in progress.

Wait, what?! There's a Mastodon instance at indieweb.me! This is awesome xtof!

👓 Trying Mastodon | Gary Pendergast

Replied to Trying Mastodon by Gary PendergastGary Pendergast (Gary Pendergast)
It’s no secret that Twitter is red hot garbage fire, so I’ve signed up for a Mastodon account to give them a try. Because I’m super vain, I decided to create my own Mastodon instance, with a custom domain.
I know of a few folks in the IndieWeb and WordPress communities like Ryan Barrett (with FedBridgy) and Mathias Pfefferle (with OStatus plugin) who are actively working on helping bridge the technology between websites and the Fediverse so that one could use their WordPress install as a stand-alone "instance" of Mastodon. It already seems somewhat obvious…

👓 I am completely baffled why some people seem to be choosing Mastodon over Micro.blog | Bruce Godin

Read I am completely baffled why some people seem to be choosing Mastodon over Micro.blog by Bruce Godin (brucegodin.ca)
It is completely baffling to me that a lot of people seem to be choosing Mastodon over Micro.blog as an alternative to Twitter lately. At least among tech geeks on Twitter anyway. I admittedly do not know a lot about Mastodon but it seems confusing AF to set up by all accounts and may be just yet an...
Micro.blog can be so many things to so many different people. We need to help them clarify to others exactly what it is that the service is doing and how to help people begin to use it. It's not simply just a Twitter replacement as some might pitch it. We should consider: How would Marshall…

👓 Cage the Mastodon | Join Mastodon

Read Cage the Mastodon (joinmastodon.org)
An overview of features for dealing with abuse and harassment
Along with some of the strategies practiced by micro.blog and their community, these are some intriguing methods for tamping down abuse within social spaces online. The are certainly worth studying and delving into deeper. Highlights, Quotes, Annotations, & Marginalia So that’s already a huge advantage over other platforms due the basic design. And in my…

🔖 Mastodon Webmention Relay

Bookmarked Mastodon Webmention Relay (glitch.com)
  1. Remix this glitch.
  2. Get a Mastodon API token.
  3. Put it into .env (don't worry, it's hidden from non-collaborators).
  4. Configure UptimeRobot to hit the /check endpoint.
h/t qubyte on GitHub: I made a glitch over lunch to periodically check my own statuses for links, and dispatch webmentions accordingly. It's still pretty crude, but works well so far. It works through old statuses and then new in batches, searches the content of each status for anchors, and dispatches webmentions for those which support them.…

Just for fun I’m testing out syndication to Mastodon (using Mastodon Autopost) and syndication to Plurk.

Just for fun I'm testing out syndication to Mastodon (using Mastodon Autopost) and syndication to Plurk.

Testing out some integrations for WordPress and Mastodon

There are a bunch of ways for using WordPress with Mastodon, so tonight I thought I'd start experimenting with some. Straightforward syndication/POSSE plugins (requires an account on a Mastodon instance): Mastodon Autopost Mastodon Share More advanced plugins (shouldn't require an account as they make your site behave like a standalone instance of Mastodon): Ryan Barrett's…

👓 Mastodon is big in Japan. The reason why is… uncomfortable by Ethan Zuckerman

Read Mastodon is big in Japan. The reason why is… uncomfortable by Ethan Zuckerman (My heart’s in Accra)
Most distributed publishing tools are simply too complex for most users to adopt. Mastodon may have overcome that problem, borrowing design ideas from a successful commercial product. But the example of lolicon may challenge our theories in two directions. One, if you’re unable to share content on the sites you’re used to using – Twitter, in this case – you may be more willing to adopt a new tool, even if its interface is initially unfamiliar. Second, an additional barrier to adoption for decentralized publishing may be that its first large userbase is a population that cannot use centralized social networks. Any stigma associated with this community may make it harder for users with other interests to adopt these new tools.
Like many others, I can see many more and stronger reasons for a decentralized web than not. This article takes a look at a little bit of the downside of the model. (Though to be honest, I think the downside for this is even bigger in the siloed model.) Naturally the long term effects are…

👓 How Twitter, Micro.blog & Mastodon could team up to compete with Facebook | AltPlatform

Read How Twitter, Micro.blog & Mastodon could team up to compete with Facebook by Brian Hendrickson (AltPlatform)

There’s a good reason for the “@“ character in the middle of your email address. It separates the two parts: your user name and your web site. Someday you might see something similar on social networking sites – Mark Zuckerberg could write on Facebook and mention Jack Dorsey “hey jack@twitter.com” and Jack could write back from Twitter “hi mark@facebook.com!” — that would be the Silicon Valley equivalent of Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson’s first telephone call. When small social networks like Twitter and Google Plus start to interoperate with open source networks and blogs, they could eventually form a large enough base of users to “flip the iceberg” and have more usage than the dominant, non-interoperable player: Facebook.

On micro-blogs like Twitter, the @mention (“at-mention”) is the way to link to another micro-blogger by user name. Facebook has a similar mention feature for calling out friends by name. But these versions of mention technology are missing the “web site” aspect, because they only work within one site.

On open source micro-blogs like Mastodon, cross-site mentions are already working – and for blogs it’s easy to install a Webmention plugin. These are the beginnings of what could eventually be a large collection of sites interoperating.

In 2008 the micro-blogging community proposed that Twitter interoperate with the micro-blog networks of the time. Twitter today could allow Mastodon and Micro.blog users to “follow” updates from its micro-bloggers. The Twitter search engine could aggregate updates from many different networks. Micro-blogging at Twitter would be a first-class open web experience, if it interoperated with other micro-blogs.

Open source tools like WordPress, 1999.io and Mastodon.social are creating many small networks of publishers, and popular tools like Twitter and Micro.blog could peer with them. If all of the social networks outside of Facebook interoperated at some level, they might eventually “flip the iceberg” and become the dominant form of social networking.

👓 The hunt for Twitter alternatives: Mastodon | AltPlatform

Read The hunt for Twitter alternatives: Mastodon by Richard MacManus (AltPlatform.com)
Let’s get this out of the way right at the start: Mastodon is not a Twitter killer. It’s more like Twitter crossed with Reddit, plus it’s open source. But while Mastodon is not going to take over the world, it does have promise as a community platform. Here’s why…
An interesting take on Mastodon a month or so after its rise in popularity. Let’s get this out of the way right at the start: Mastodon is not a Twitter killer. It’s more like Twitter crossed with Reddit, plus it’s open source. But while Mastodon is not going to take over the world, it does…

Quote from Mastodon, Twitter and publics 2017-04-24

Quoted Mastodon, Twitter and publics 2017-04-24 by Kevin Marks (kevinmarks.com)
The furore over Fake News is really about the seizures caused by overactivity in these synapses - confabulation and hallucination in the global brain of mutual media. With popularity always following a power law, runaway memetic outbreaks can become endemic, especially when the platform is doing what it can to accelerate them without any sense of their context or meaning.
One might think that Facebook (and others) could easily analyze the things within their network that are getting above average reach and filter out or tamp down the network effects of the most damaging things which in the long run I suspect are going to damage their network overall. Our synapses have the ability to…

👓 From Witches to Dolphins, These Are the Communities That Make Mastodon Great | Motherboard

Read From Witches to Dolphins, These Are the Communities That Make Mastodon Great (Motherboard)
The top five Mastodon instances as judged by meaningless criteria that we refuse to disclose.

Six reasons Mastodon won’t survive | Mashable

Read Six reasons Mastodon won't survive (Mashable)
The hot new thing in social media has some big problems.
William Shatner couldn't find me on Mastodon. I couldn't even find you https://t.co/keNUC3IOYd — William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) April 5, 2017 This was a problem. Mastodon stomped onto the scene this week instantly generating some buzz as the anti-Twitter. It looks and feels like Twitter. but is not a part of it. Mastodon is a free,…

Mastodon.Social isn’t as Federated or as Decentralized as the Indie Web

Mastodon may be the hot thing in social media right now, but you could be living closer to the bleeding edge of true openness and freedom