“I lost my job because I wouldn’t stop complaining to management,” Pelley said on CNN’s “Reliable Sources.”
Tag: harrassment
🎧 Triangulation 397 Brianna Wu | TWiT.TV
Jason Howell speaks with Brianna Wu, video game developer and Candidate for US House of Representatives in MA District 8 for 2020. They discuss how she got started in tech, surviving the Gamergate harassment, why she's running for Congress, and more.
👓 Tech Culture Can Change | danah boyd
We need: Recognition, Repentance, Respect, and Reparation.
👓 Judge may jail Roger Stone after Instagram post | NBC News
Judge Amy Berman Jackson will rule whether he has violated the conditions of release after a hearing Thursday.
👓 I Was Reported to Police as an ‘Agitated Black Male’ — for Simply Walking to Work | ACLU
Last month, I walked across the campus of the University of Massachusetts Amherst to get to work. It was an ordinary stroll. But to a bystander, the sight of an educated Black professional going about his day was apparently cause for alarm.That bystander called the police. My workplace was shut down. I was, and remain, humiliated.Racial profiling at predominantly white institutions is nothing new, and this wasn’t the first time that I had to grit my teeth through a degrading interaction with police at the university.
Similar examples of this in our culture include falsely reporting bomb threats, falsely pulling fire alarms, and even recent incidences of “SWATting“. Swatting is typically a situation in which a party that feels wronged by another will call in a terrorist related threat resulting in the dispatching of a SWAT team to an innocent person’s location. This can occasionally lead to the accidental death of an innocent person. We’re prosecuting against these types of crimes (all examples of dangerous false claims) , so why not prosecute or require restitution in cases like Reginald Andrade’s?
I recall a related case like this in July when a white neighbor called the police multiple times on an African American boy for mowing a lawn. The national media attention called to the issue likely helped to shame the perpetrators of the situation into never allowing it to happening again, but this type of public shaming often doesn’t occur in the majority of these cases. In Andrade’s case, much of the shame only falls unfairly on Andrade and, potentially worse, on the broader University of Massachusetts Amherst community at large (and in the long run will tend to discourage diversity there in general–part of the intended effect) and not on the particular person who made the false report.
Why don’t we come up with a better name for this type of harassment to call attention to it and help put a stop to it? Giving swatting a sensationalist name has seemingly helped to curtail it. Perhaps “racial terrorism”? or, better, maybe “community terrorism” which includes not only the terrorism inflicted on the individual target but on the broader community which is heavily damaged as well. Is there a way to take anti-swatting laws and have them apply to these cases?
👓 Wil Wheaton Has a Listening Problem | Amber Enderton
Wil Wheaton has left Mastodon after facing pressure and hostility from both the community and the staff. Yesterday, Wheaton got bofa’d. A…
👓 Lenore Blum shocked the community with her sudden resignation from CMU. Here she tells us why. | Next Pittsburgh
This high-tech rockstar has done so much for women in the community, making her own experiences with sexism even more stunning.
👓 As Leslie Moonves Negotiates His Exit from CBS, Women Raise New Assault and Harassment Claims | The New Yorker
Members of the board of the CBS Corporation are negotiating with the company’s chairman and C.E.O., Leslie Moonves, about his departure. Sources familiar with the board’s activities said the discussions about Moonves stepping down began several weeks ago, after an article published in the The New Yorker detailed allegations by six women that the media executive had sexually harassed them, and revealed complaints by dozens of others that the culture in some parts of the company tolerated sexual misconduct. Since then, the board has selected outside counsel to lead an investigation into the claims.
👓 a post | Flashing Palely in the Margins | Sameer Vasta

[...] We like to tell ourselves that micro.blog is a great place because we are civil and we have good conversations and discussions, even when we disagree, but I have faced more dismissiveness and insult on micro.blog in the past year than I have at any time in that other “micro” social network. This is not the civil community that we make it out to be, and by pretending that it is, we ignore when people feel actively excluded. [...]
👓 An open letter | Social.Coop
Dear fellow members, the events that unfolded over the past few days have put our cooperative to the test, and we failed miserably. Many voices calling for change were silenced in the past, be it by negligence or by sheer lack of commitment by those, whose position of privilege allowed to disregard such calls. By failing to listen, we became the people MLK warned us about: the white moderates who are more devoted to order than to justice. We wasted precious time and energy in endless debates about trivial details, calling for the creation of ever new committees and processes, and we eventually lost sight of the only true reason our cooperative came to existence: to wrestle control of our social media out of the hands of the rich, white, capitalist elite.
👓 A startling number of women say they have been harassed while running | CNN
Mollie Tibbetts' case has raised safety questions for women runners who say men often view an athletic woman in shorts or jogging pants as an invitation for lewd or frightening behavior.
👓 Cage the Mastodon | Join Mastodon
An overview of features for dealing with abuse and harassment
Highlights, Quotes, Annotations, & Marginalia
So that’s already a huge advantage over other platforms due the basic design. And in my opinion it’s got advantages over the other extreme, too, a pure peer-to-peer design, where everyone would have to fend for themselves, without the pooled resources. ❧
Definitely something the IndieWeb may have to solve for.
August 13, 2018 at 07:41AM
Mastodon deliberately does not support arbitrary search. If someone wants their message to be discovered, they can use a hashtag, which can be browsed. What does arbitrary search accomplish? People and brands search for their own name to self-insert into conversations they were not invited to.
What you can do, however, is search messages you posted, received or favourited. That way you can find that one message on the tip of your tongue. ❧
August 13, 2018 at 07:41AM
Another feature that has been requested almost since the start, and which I keep rejecting is quoting messages. ❧
August 13, 2018 at 07:43AM
Each individual message can either be:
- Fully public, appearing to your followers, the public timelines, anyone looking at your profile
- Unlisted, appearing to your followers and anyone looking at your profile, but skipping the public timelines
- Private, appearing only to your followers and people mentioned in it
- And direct, appearing only to people mentioned in it
August 13, 2018 at 07:45AM
👓 Lawrence Krauss, Celebrity Scientist, Is Replaced At Top University Job Amid Harassment Allegations | BuzzFeed
The Arizona State University professor has been accused of inappropriate behavior spanning more than a decade.
👓 Feeds and Gardens | Kathleen Fitzpatrick
My last post, Connections, gathered a fair bit of response — enough that you can see a good example of Webmentions in action below it. There’s a little back-and-forth discussion there that mostly took place on Twitter, as well as a lot of likes and mentions that came from there as well.
👓 New York Times, NBC, and ‘60 Minutes’ Bigwigs Hired These Media Assassins to Fight #MeToo Stories | The Daily Beast
Clare Locke boasts about ‘killing stories’ and some of America’s most prominent journalists have worked with them.