Tag: filtering
👓 Feed Reading By Social Distance | Ton Zijlstra
At the Crafting {:} a Life unconference one of the things that came up in our conversations was how you take information in, while avoiding the endlessly scrolling timelines of FB and Twitter as well as FOMO. My description of how I read feeds ‘by social distance‘ was met with curiosity and ‘c...
👓 Sorry, Sony Music, you don’t own the rights to Bach’s music on Facebook | Ars Technica
Public shaming forces publisher to abandon ridiculous claim to classical music.
👓 The case for quarantining extremist ideas | Joan Donovan and Dana Boyd | The Guardian
When confronted with white supremacists, newspaper editors should consider ‘strategic silence’
👓 Microsub and the new reader evolution | skippy.net

I was an avid Google Reader user. When it shut down, I started hosting my own RSS reader: first tt-rss, and later miniflux. I very much liked being able to subscribe to sites and read them at my leisure. I also appreciated not having my reading habits tracked or quantified. I had maybe two dozen f...
What I was really after was the confluence of RSS feeds and Twitter and the ability to post to my own site.
Reply to a post by Ton Zijlstra
As an example if you want to follow what I’m reading, there’s a feed for that. Or you can listen to the things I’m listening to by subscribing to my fauxcast.
Separately, I maintain a following page which, similar to a blogroll, is a list of sites I’m following along with OPML of the full list or subcategories. Thus if you want to subscribe to the IndieWeb OPML list, it’s there for you. (Even more fun if you’re using functionality like OPML subscriptions as they’re done in Inoreader, so that when I update my list, yours automatically does too.)
If you’re interested in recreating portions of some of this I’ve tried to document a lot of it (for WordPress at least) at https://boffosocko.com/research/indieweb/.