In Georgia, two women were locked in a close race for the Democratic nomination for governor. What does this primary tell us about the future of the Democratic Party?
On today’s episode:
• Jonathan Martin, a national political correspondent for The New York Times.
Background reading:
• Stacey Abrams, a former minority leader of the Georgia House, made history by becoming the first black woman to be a major party nominee for governor in the United States, defeating Stacey Evans in Georgia’s Democratic primary.
• The race between Ms. Abrams and Ms. Evans, two well-regarded candidates with starkly different campaign strategies, was viewed as a weather vane for the Democratic Party’s prospects in the midterm elections. Ms. Abrams banked on the support of young people, women, and African-American and Hispanic voters, while Ms. Evans reached out to moderate and conservative-leaning white voters.
• Here are the results for Tuesday’s primaries in Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky and Texas.
• Record numbers of women are running in the midterm elections, but the road to Capitol Hill is a hard one.