🎧 The Daily: The Day Their Childhood Ended | The New York Times

Listened to Listen to ‘The Daily’: The Day Their Childhood Ended by Michael Barbaro from nytimes.com
“I feel broken, I feel defeated. Right now on my mind, it’s not going to be fine.” Six students at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., spoke to a Times reporter.

🎧 The Daily: So Many Red Flags | The New York Times

Listened to Listen to ‘The Daily’: So Many Red Flags by Michael Barbaro from nytimes.com
Many calls to law enforcement had expressed concerns about Nikolas Cruz, the suspect in the Florida school shooting, yet nothing was done. How is that possible?

🎧 The Daily: Students Protest Gun Violence | The New York Times

Listened to Listen to ‘The Daily’: Students Protest Gun Violence by Michael Barbaro from nytimes.com
Demands for gun restrictions have followed one mass shooting after another, but little has changed. This time, the students who survived are leading the charge.

🎧 The Daily: Mental Health and Mass Shootings | The New York Times

Listened to Listen to ‘The Daily’: Mental Health and Mass Shootings by Michael Barbaro from nytimes.com
President Trump has focused on mental health, rather than weapons, after the mass shooting in Florida. But mental illness is rarely the cause of gun violence.

What a fantastic look at guns and the “mental health” issue.

👓 What Do Jotted Talking Points Say About Trump’s Empathy? | The New York Times

Read What Do Jotted Talking Points Say About Trump’s Empathy? by Julie Hirschfeld Davis (New York Times)
Consoler in chief has been a role that President Trump has been slow and somewhat reluctant to embrace — especially in contrast to his predecessor.
Interesting that they seemed to actually find someone to indicate that he had a tiny piece of empathy here when all other evidence seems to be to the contrary.

👓 Analysis | The real reason Congress banned assault weapons in 1994 — and why it worked | Washington Post

Read Analysis | The real reason Congress banned assault weapons in 1994 — and why it worked by Christopher Ingram (Washington Post)
The ban's critics say it failed, but they're misinterpreting what it was intended to do to begin with.
Not as in-depth as I would have liked, but some interesting quick hit statistics. There are things we could do to prevent these occurences, but yet again it appears as if the almighty dollar will somehow win out in the end.

🎧 The Daily: The Gun Behind So Many Mass Shootings | The New York Times

Listened to Listen to ‘The Daily’: The Gun Behind So Many Mass Shootings by Michael Barbaro from nytimes.com
The AR-15 assault rifle used in Parkland, Fla., this week was purchased legally, officials said. How did a weapon designed for warfare become easier to buy than a handgun?

👓 Monday, October 2, 2017 | Scripting News

Read Monday, October 2, 2017 (Scripting News)
Journalism people say Google is bad at journalism. I must be missing it but why don't they fix it and get Google out of their business. They don't feel they're responsible for anything, not even what they do. Of course Google sucks at journalism. What Google does the best is keep a huge network of computers running against unbelievable attacks from everywhere. The bad guys must always be trying to knock them down. Yet their servers are reliable and run fast. That's what they do best. Everything else is so-so.

👓 NRA support for restricting ‘bump stocks’ reflects impact of Las Vegas massacre | Washington Post

Read NRA support for restricting ‘bump stocks’ reflects impact of Las Vegas massacre (Washington Post)
Less clear is whether the move signals an opening for further action on gun control.