Also known as Tottle and Stutter. But the real name was Tudor and Stuart: The Tudor and Stuart Club.
The Tudor and Stuart Club was a literary society at The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore – yes, they insist upon that “the” before “Johns” – and I was the club secretary for several years back in the late 1960s and 1970s. I don’t know just how that honor came to me. But I’d taken many literature courses as an undergraduate, half of them or so with (the now legendary) Richard Macksey and the others with members of the English Department: Earl Wasserman, Donald Howard, D. C. Allen, and J. Hillis Miller. They must have decided that I had a future as a literary critic and so deserved this honor, though, naturally, it came trailing a few pedestrian duties. I was pleased. I’m pretty sure it was Dick Macksey who told me.
👓 Old School: Torpor and Stupor at Johns Hopkins | 3quarksdaily
This seems like a solid story from the late 60’s/early 70’s for inclusion into the pantheon at Hopkins Retrospective.