👓 Twitter will soon let you switch between chronological and ranked feeds | The Verge

Read Twitter will soon let you switch between chronological and ranked feeds by Nick Statt (The Verge)
In the meantime, the company says it’s fixing its timeline settings

👓 Social Timelines: Life Lost on the Curated Projections of Other People’s Lives? | James Shelley

Read Social Timelines: Life Lost on the Curated Projections of Other People’s Lives? by James ShelleyJames Shelley (jamesshelley.com)
I’m looking for agreement, disagreement, or reflections on the following proposition: Time spent reading social timelines is time lost. Scrolling through a timeline is time consumed by the curated projections of other people’s lives, which are absorbed wholly and only at the cost of living your ...
An interesting take, I want to think about this for a bit…

🔖 Timelinely

Bookmarked Timelinely (Timelinely)

Create interactive video stories on Timelinely. Timelinely empowers people to go beyond just video.

Highlight interesting parts of a video on a timeline with interactive comments, pictures, links, maps, other videos, and more.

This tool reminds me of a somewhat more commercialized version of Jon Udell’s Clipping tools for HTML5 audio, HTML5 video, and YouTube. I wonder if this is the sort of UI that Hypothes.is might borrow? I can definitely see it being useful functionality in the classroom.