Analog Zettelkasten Nightmares 🗃️
I switched from Mastodon to Twitter to look something up and noticed they’re trying to entice me back with trending topics they know I’ll love.
Back to Mastodon…
I can’t help but thinking that this was a pho restaurant called Enix Pharmacy and that mortar and pestle could totally be a prescribed bowl of noodle soup right?
A very clever and creative way to imagine an image of Niklas Luhmann in a way which indicates that “the medium is the message.”
Image via Alexander Kluge/ Universität Bielefeld
An occasional reminder:
There’s something whimsical I just love about the added red decoration to the illuminated initials I saw at Coffee With a Codex this morning.
Western Culture and Capitalism
Good job Western culture and capitalism!
Image credits:
Left: Handwritten, drawn and illuminated leaf from a 14th Century French Book of Hours (Lewis E M 4:9) in Latin written in Gothic bookhand (License: CCO)
Right: Book cover of The 4-Hour Work Week from Amazon
Presumably driven by a beautiful woman who speaks Spanish?