Read Micropub (Chapter of a forthcoming longer book) by Manton ReeceManton Reece (GitHub)
Micropub is one of several important IndieWeb building blocks, answering the question: what would a posting API look like if we started over, stripping away everything except the most basic requirement of sending post text to a server, and then build on top of that foundation when clients and servers in the real world need more?
Read Remote Learning Lessons – Reflections From a Parent by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (Read Write Respond)
As the cases of the coronavirus in Victoria continue to grow and the possibility of a return to learning at home becomes a possibility, I thought I should really stop and reflect upon my experience as a parent supporting our daughter as she learnt from home. I had intended to submit this to the gove...
Read Turn Off the Cloud Lights! by Jim Groom (
One of the things I have been doing over the last couple of months is tracking how many resources (known in Reclaim Cloud as cloudlets) each application environment requires. This is important because the more cloudlets you use the more you pay, so trying to be as efficient as possible is quite important. A cloudlet = 128 MiB + 400 MHz. Or, the equivalent of a ridiculously fast personal computer circa 1996 or 1997.
Read Look a(nother) Ghost by Jim Groom (BavaGhost)
Since May of 2014 I have been playing on and off with the blogging platform Ghost []. It has been an on again off again affair, and I have never left WordPress for it, but rather use it as a test bed for exploring how Reclaim might host applications outside the LAMP stack []---an ongoing theme for us over the last 3 or 4 years. So, I have been marking my progress with running Ghost both here on the bava as well as on my Ghost blog. I talked a
I want to tinker around with Ghost a bit too, but the bar just seems to be too high to bother with it. Then there’s the lack of IndieWeb tooling one could use with it…
I have to say, I do love Jim’s choice of domain name here! That’s awesome.

Followed Cascadia Inspired

Followed Tracy Durnell (Cascadia Inspired)

Cascadia Inspired - Get outside. Get inspired.

Headshot of Tracy wearing a bicycle helmet

I’m a graphic designer doing environmental outreach in the public sector, and a fiction writer and photographer in my personal time. I live in the Seattle area, having moved to Washington state in 2008. I use this blog to explore different productivity techniques, consider my philosophy about creative work, search for balance between my creative work and the rest of my life, serve as an accountability tool and record of what work I do, and give back to the creative community.

Read Joining RSS Club as an Experiment by Ton Zijlstra (
A few days ago Frank Meeuwsen wrote a posting only available through his RSS feed, not otherwise easily visible on his blog. His RSS only postings do still have URLs of course and can be directly accessed that way. But they do not show up on the front page, in search, or as part of archive overviews...
Read The latest excuses for Trump’s ‘white power’ tweet reveal his weakness by Greg SargentGreg Sargent (Washington Post)
President Trump’s reelection message is that white America is under siege — that white Americans are on the losing end of a race war. But what if white America — or, at least, a large chunk of it — isn’t buying the story that Trump is peddling?