👓 The ineffectiveness of lonely icons | Matt Wilcox

Read The ineffectiveness of lonely icons by Matt WilcoxMatt Wilcox (Web Developer & Tinkerer)
If your target audience is a general population, you should not be using icons alone to convey anything meaningful. By doing so, you have made assumptions that are unlikely to be appropriate to a general audience.
Hat tip Brad Frost

👓 UC terminates subscriptions with world’s largest scientific publisher in push for open access to publicly funded research | University of California | Office of the President

Read UC terminates subscriptions with world’s largest scientific publisher in push for open access to publicly funded research (University of California | Office of the President)
As a leader in the global movement toward open access to publicly funded research, the University of California is taking a firm stand by deciding not to renew its subscriptions with Elsevier. Despite months of contract negotiations, Elsevier was unwilling to meet UC’s key goal: securing universal open access to UC research while containing the rapidly escalating costs associated with for-profit journals.
This is some crazy bad-ass news. Almost everyone I know in higher education tweeted this article out today.

Now if only we could get them to all go IndieWeb using a Domain of Their Own and practice academic samizdat

📺 Mike Pence: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) | YouTube

Watched Mike Pence: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) from YouTube

Mike Pence is much more unlikable than his pet rabbit who stars in a new children's book created by the Pence family and in a better children's book created by us. To purchase our book, visit: www.betterbundobook.com

📺 Multilevel Marketing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) | YouTube

Watched Multilevel Marketing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) from YouTube

Multilevel marketing companies claim to be legitimate businesses, but some seem awfully…pyramid shaped. John Oliver and Jaime Camil demonstrate how they work.

The garage portion is just so painfully sad. I remember a dozen women in my Facebook feed over a year ago pushing Rodan & Fields. I wonder what happened to them?

👓 Thinking about Bridging | David Shanske

Read Thinking about Bridging by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (david.shanske.com)
I am writing this post on my phone, which is a challenge in itself. But at Indiewebcamp Austin this past weekend, I was trying to explain the realization that I had back at the Summit in June. Bridgy, the prime example of that, was launched in Indieweb form in December 2013. It creates a bridge betw...

👓 XYZ March 2019 | Kicks Condor

Read a post by Kicks Condor
So, as a result of the work Chris has been doing in Wordpress, making it easier to post to Indieweb.xyz, I’ve started “rolling up” all the posts by each user on the home page. I’m just trying this to see how it feels. I’m going to try quite a lot of things over the next few months. Let me know what works for you.

👓 ‘Empire’ Star Jussie Smollett Signs With CAA | Hollywood Reporter

Read 'Empire' Star Jussie Smollett Signs With CAA (The Hollywood Reporter)
The singing and acting breakout was previously without an agency.
Presumably they still represent him. Makes me wonder what they’ll do as his story continues to unfold.