Why the HBO host is wrong that public shaming encourages public accountability
Tag: John Oliver
📺 Multilevel Marketing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) | YouTube
Multilevel marketing companies claim to be legitimate businesses, but some seem awfully…pyramid shaped. John Oliver and Jaime Camil demonstrate how they work.
📺 Mike Pence: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) | YouTube
Mike Pence is much more unlikable than his pet rabbit who stars in a new children's book created by the Pence family and in a better children's book created by us. To purchase our book, visit: www.betterbundobook.com
📺 Brexit III: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) | YouTube
The UK could officially leave the European Union next month, which would be a huge change with hugely damaging consequences.
📺 Confederacy: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) | YouTube
Confederate symbols are still celebrated despite the ugly history they symbolize. John Oliver suggests some representations of southern pride that involve less racism and more Stephen Colbert.
📺 Travel Ban | Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
From HBO's Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.
📺 4th of July | Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
John Oliver does two verses and a chorus on the Day of Colonial Aggression
📺 Brexit II | Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
In the wake of a divisive election, the UK will begin the process of leaving the European Union. John Oliver and an intergalactic space lord propose a plan.
📺 Harding | Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
John Oliver unveils Last Week Tonight's collection of presidential wax statues and brings Warren G. Harding's incredible life story to the big screen.
📺 Sinclair Broadcast Group | Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Sinclair Broadcast Group is the largest owner of local TV stations in the country. That's alarming considering that they often inject political views into local news.
📺 Coal: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) | YouTube
We’ve heard a lot of talk about coal miners in the last year, but what are the real issues surrounding coal? John Oliver and a giant squirrel look into it.
📺 Vaccines: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) | YouTube
The benefits of vaccines far outweigh the minuscule risks, but some parents still question their safety. John Oliver discusses why some people may still feel uncertainty about childhood vaccinations.
📺 Scientific Studies: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
John Oliver discusses how and why media outlets so often report untrue or incomplete information as science.
📺 Federal Budget: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Donald Trump's federal budget plan proposes large funding cuts with largely negative consequences. John Oliver examines the troubling priorities of the new administration.
📺 Marijuana: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Under federal law, even legal marijuana is illegal. John Oliver explains why conflicting drug laws pose serious problems.