👓 Univ. Of Alabama Returns $21.5 Million Gift; Donor Urged Boycott Over Abortion Law | NPR

Read Univ. Of Alabama Returns $21.5 Million Gift; Donor Urged Boycott Over Abortion Law (NPR.org)
The move comes after Hugh Culverhouse Jr. urged students and businesses to boycott Alabama over its restrictive new abortion law. The school says its rejection of the money isn't related to that law.
Read Privacy Is Just the Beginning of the Debate Over Tech by Jathan Sadowski (onezero.medium.com)
Controversial ‘smart locks’ show the way that surveillance tech begins with the poor, before spreading to the rest of us

Instead, when we talk about technology, we should be thinking about power dynamics.

Great piece about ethics in technology.

Read Render Snarky Comments in Comic Sans by Zach LeathermanZach Leatherman (Zach Leatherman)

Hosting my own content and comments allows me to be a bit more creative with it. So I decided to take this a step further and have a little fun with negative comments.

This isn’t intended to be a hot-take on Comic Sans. Instead it’s meant to change the tone of the negativity to make it sound like a clown is yelling at a kid’s birthday party.

This is an awesome way to handle some comments online.

👓 Adding Instagram to a Social Reader | Mr.Kapowski

Read Adding Instagram to a Social Reader by Chris Chris (mrkapowski.com)
I mentioned yesterday my frustrations with Instagram were at an all-time high, and I wanted to “soft quit” the app by adding my follows as a source in Monocle. I didn’t find any existing guide on how to do this (sorry if I misse...
Granary will give you some additional options I suppose, but I’ve always just blindly used Ryan Barrett’s other atom-based tools for Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to make feeds for my feed reader of choice.

In my experience, the session cookies needed for these will last from about four months or more before needing to be refreshed. I just refreshed my Instagram cookie earlier this week.  

👓 Unwalled.Garden: souped-up RSS for P2P social apps | Paul Frazee

Read Unwalled.Garden: souped-up RSS for P2P social apps by Paul Frazee (pfrazee.hashbase.io)
Beaker is an experimental peer-to-peer Web browser. In this post, I will describe a new files-oriented protocol we are developing called Unwalled.Garden which will drive the applications stack for Beaker sites.

👓 High-flying ladybug swarm shows up on National Weather Service radar | LA Times

Read High-flying ladybug swarm shows up on National Weather Service radar (latimes.com)
The ladybug bloom appears to be about 80 miles by 80 miles, but the ladybugs aren’t in a concentrated mass that size; they’re spread throughout the sky.

👓 The Future of Learning | NomadWarMachine

Read The Future of Learning (NomadWarMachine)
I’ve been thinking a lot about resilience recently. Not as the ability to spring back up when knocked down (though that can be a good thing). But as the ability to adapt, to look at a new situation and think about how one can apply one’s existing skills.
Bookmarked Open Apereo 2019 (Apereo)
Open Apereo 2019 is an international, inclusive event offered by the Apereo Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to developing and sustaining innovative open-source software solutions for education. Learn how higher education is using open-source software to help deliver the academic mission, control costs, and retain the capacity to innovate.

👓 Getting Ready for Domain Camp | Domains of Our Own

Read Getting Ready for Domain Camp by Alan LevineAlan Levine (Domains of Our Own)
Domain Camp 2019 is starting June 11! What should you pack and prepare for?
Want to build your own website and own your own content? Maybe improve an existing website or domain? Join 30+ campers online for Domain Camp 2019. 

👓 The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of networking online | Screenshot Magazine

Read The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of networking online (Screenshot Magazine)
What if we stopped sharing our lives on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and tried to use networks that don’t sell our data instead?
The definition of IndieWeb here is a bit off. They’re really talking about indie web and not the bigger movement. This also seems to have been heavily influenced by Cal Newport’s New Yorker article.
Read Scripting News: Tuesday, June 4, 2019 by Dave Winer (Scripting News)
I've been working on the next River product. This time I'm using a MySQL database. Three tables -- feeds, items and subscriptions. The folder structure is exactly as in River5, except there is no data folder (the data is in the database). I am still a relative newbie in SQL databases, but I think this model works. I'm documenting as much as I can and of course I will release the Node.js source. I hope it serves as a basis for distributing RSS intelligence around the net. Last time around (Google Reader) we centralized. That was a mistake. If enough people run instances of this database we'll have a less interruptable base of functionality. I want to try out more new ideas as well. We've been really stuck for a long time.