❤️ Behind the scenes | myravery

Liked Behind the scenes by  Miriam Avery Miriam Avery (myravery)
I changed my underlying url today. It’s not something many other people would see, but it’s been on my to-do list for…years. I also sorted through the variety of things that are b…
I remember accidentally changing my URL from http to https. It took me several months to notice the difference…

❤️ Registration for IndieWebCamp Online 2019 is open! | Eddie Hinkle

Liked a post by Eddie HinkleEddie Hinkle (eddiehinkle.com)

Registration for IndieWebCamp Online 2019 is open!, it's the first IndieWebCamp based on the internet since 2014 and we're experimenting with really embracing the internet medium for everything it has. Come experiment with us?

❤️ Indieweb Publisher WordPress Theme Now Available to Try | David Shanske

Liked Indieweb Publisher WordPress Theme Now Available to Try by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (david.shanske.com)
Over the last months, one of the regular problems mentioned with the Indieweb on WordPress is the lack of compatible themes. Most themes do not properly mark up their content in microformats, or support some of the customizations that would integrate with Indieweb plugins. I had already been working...

👓 Chris Aldrich’s Directory List | Kicks Condor

Liked Chris Aldrich’s Directory List by Kicks Condor (kickscondor.com)
This is cool. I think @c does incredibly generous work—and a lot of it is reading and discovering people out there. I’m shocked at how many people he reads and responds to. And this wiki page. Taking the time to pitch in on a little niche of the Indieweb—I find that very inspiring. I want to look around and contribute something like this another niche out there (tultywits) that I admire.
Kicks, you’re far too kind…

❤️ Bridgy stats update | snarfed.org

Liked Bridgy stats update by Ryan BarrettRyan Barrett (snarfed.org)
It’s that time of year again! No, not awards season…Bridgy stats time!
Looking at the graphs, the elephant in the room is clearly the Facebook shutdown. It was Bridgy’s second largest silo, numbering 1477 users when we wer...

Reply to uonaiii on Twitter

Replied to a tweet by Uonai Uonai (Twitter)
I want exactly this. Let me know what you come up with. The closest thing I’ve seen recently is https://aaronparecki.com/2018/03/12/17/building-an-indieweb-reader
Quoted a tweet by Meg on TwitterMeg on Twitter (Twitter)
Seems like every time I turn around more and more people are going back to old school methods.
#IndieWeb #netpositiveblog Happy #newwwyear

👓 Simple Location Version 3.5.2 Released | David Shanske

Liked Simple Location Version 3.5.2 Released by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (david.shanske.com)
As an update to the release I did earlier this week, I’ve released version 3.5.2 of Simple Location for WordPress. It fixes a long standing visibility issue, fixes widget titles which were introduced in 3.5, and adds a variety of style changes provided by a third party submitter(Thanks Asuh.com). ...