👓 Jumbo is a powerful privacy assistant for iOS that cleans up your social profiles | The Verge

Read Jumbo is a powerful privacy assistant for iOS that cleans up your social profiles by Casey Newton (The Verge)
Make your tweets ephemeral and your Facebook impenetrable.

❤️ Simple Location 3.6.3 Released | David Shankse

Liked Simple Location 3.6.3 Released by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (david.shanske.com)
Version 3.6.3 of Simple Location has been released. This adds Aaron Parecki’s Compass server as a location provider. Location providers in Simple Location look up the current location of the user.  As I write this, I realize that I set it up to globally look up the location, and I could make it, ...

👓 Ginger ale syrup | BeesBuzz.biz

Read Ginger ale syrup by fluffyfluffy (beesbuzz.biz)
I just made some ginger ale syrup for making home-made gingerale. It's pretty easy! Just peel some ginger (use a spoon to remove the skin so you don't waste the tasty flesh) and chop it up into thin-ish chunks, and put it into a saucepan with some water, some sugar, and other flavorings as you see fit (I used some pomegranate molasses, some coriander seed, and the peel and juice of a lemon). Then heat the water up and let the ginger steep for a while, then slowly bring it to a low boil.

👓 In which I finally stop using Patreon | fluffy

Read In which I finally stop using Patreon by fluffyfluffy (beesbuzz.biz)
So, hey, Patreon is a pretty popular site for funding the creative people you follow. A lot of people rely on Patreon as their primary source of income. More power to them if they do; it's where everyone goes to do that sort of thing and it's really enabled a lot of people to do what they love for a living.
Replied to a tweet by Marc DrummondMarc Drummond (Twitter)
I notice you’re a Drupalista. Would it help to know that Kristof De Jaeger has already done a huge amount of the work for you? See: https://www.drupal.org/project/indieweb

And Dries has been writing a lot about it over the past year as well.

Building toward an independent web isn’t something one does overnight anyway. Small incremental steps will eventually win the day. I like the way that Brent Simmons describes what he’s working on and why. Perhaps that could be a useful model in addition to the related idea of itches?

If it helps you might take your passions for “diversity, inclusion, equity & justice” and inject them into the space? I would always welcome help in those areas for the broader community.