Read Taming a River Theme by Tom Woodward (
Origin Story
Matt worked long hours making an incredible theme for Footprints on the James course.1 It’s in WordPress but a large portion of the site ended up being built by hand as complexity increased and time dwindled.2 That means it’s hard-coded HTML/PHP.
Now because the site was so great, w...
Bookmarked The Federation - a statistics hub (
Node list and statistics for The Federation and Fediverse
Some screencaptures from the day I joined the statistics hub. My site dramatically changed some of the statistics:

This graph makes it look like my site has almost doubled the number of local posts for all WordPress nodes.
The addition of my node to the WordPress nodes has dramatically increased the number of local comments!
Of the WordPress nodes currently registered on the Federation, I’m leading for most posts and comments.

👓 How you can contribute to WordPress (yes, YOU!) | Jeff Paul

Read How you can contribute to WordPress (yes, YOU!) by Jeff Paul (
Me: Do you regularly use WordPress?
You: Yes, I love it, it’s fantastic!
Me: Have you ever thought about helping contribute to WordPress?
You: No, I am not a developer.
Me: Well, good news, you do not have to be!
You: Ok, tell me more…
Whether you have considered it...

Followed Jeff Paul

Followed Jeff Paul (Jeff Paul)

Jeff Paul selfie with blue sky and clouds in background

Aloha! My name is Jeffrey Paul. I was born and raised near Baltimore, Maryland and currently reside near Chicago, Illinois. I manage open source product and enjoy helping others grow professionally. Like my father, I’m a documentarian and can regularly be found with my phone in front of my face capturing all the things my kids are up to.
Replied to a tweet by Chris WiegmanChris Wiegman (Twitter)
Can’t I just follow you in a single place? Maybe just your website? (BTW, it’s possible to turn your WordPress site into a Federated/Mastodon-like instance using Activity Streams.

ActivityStream extension

@chrisaldrich is a followable thing in the Fediverse and the UI is continually improving.

Here are some instances you should be able to follow:

My website is closing in on 17,000 posts (this one will make it 16,998), so I was looking at the gargantuan size of my database. When you’ve got this many posts and 17,160 comments, I’m thinking that just my Akismet (anti-spam) meta data is somehow actually larger in size than some people’s  entire blogs. I’ve backed it all up and am going through and cleaning out some unused digital exhaust to give me some room to grow.

Who knew that in owning your own data you could accumulate so much of it?!

I haven’t looked at my settings for it in a while, but apparently I’ve had JetPack’s “Like Buttons” turned on on my website. It seems rare that WordPress users are ever using that functionality and as a member of the IndieWeb, I’m accepting likes via Webmention anyway. As a result I’m choosing to drop the old “like” functionality. 

🎧 Tom Woodward | Gettin’ Air with Terry Green | voicEd

Listened to Tom Woodward | Gettin' Air with Terry Green from
Tom Woodward (@twoodwar) is Associate Director of Innovation in the @VCUALTLab. We chat about the awesome things that can happen when great educational technologists like Tom get to work with great educators. A few of those things are,, and oh the 34,200 blogs at!

I feel robbed that Terry Greene only published the first half an hour of what would assuredly been an epic 10 hour discussion. Suppose I’ll just have to be content with reading Tom Woodward’s blog cover to cover and scouring the web for video that features him.

❤️ WordCampRS tweeted WordCamp Riverside 2019 Day 2 was jam packed

Liked a tweet by WordCamp Riverside - Nov. 8-10 2019 (@WordCampRS)WordCamp Riverside - Nov. 8-10 2019 (@WordCampRS) (

❤️ WordCampRS tweeted @ChrisAldrich presents on “Welcome to Web 3.0, the internet you always wish you had.”

Liked a tweet by WordCamp Riverside - Nov. 8-10 2019WordCamp Riverside - Nov. 8-10 2019 (Twitter)