I was watching the beginning of Bang Bang Con (!!Con) and they talked about their code of conduct. I liked these three tips they gave to stay in line with their values: “Avoid feigning surprise.” When someone says something like “I’ve never heard that you can do x,” instead of replying “...
Tag: code of conduct
A draft of the proposed OpenETC code of conduct, posted for community feedback. If you have any feedback or questions on this code, please leave a comment using Hypothesis.
📑 Highlights and Annotations
draft of the proposed OpenETC code of conduct ❧
When making a CoC, it’s always nice to spend some time researching others.
Here’s a copy of the IndieWeb’s CoC, which I’ve liked. They also documented a list of other CoC’s for other communities that might be worth looking at as well. Most of them have licenses for ease of cutting/pasting for reuse.
I don’t see a license on this draft, but it would be nice if you provided a CC0 license for it.
Annotated on January 10, 2020 at 08:47PM
Temporary access ❧
Large portions of the material below this read more like a Terms of Service than a Code of Conduct. It might be more useful to split these into two pages to better delineate the two ideas.
Annotated on January 10, 2020 at 08:55PM
Guidelines ❧
These are some generally useful guidelines, but it would be nice to have a section on where to go or who to contact for help and conflict resolution. What should someone who notices a violation do? Where should they turn for help?
Annotated on January 10, 2020 at 08:57PM
use the services of the OpenETC ❧
What would constitute a full list of the services of OpenETC? Is it just this website, or does it include email lists, chat rooms, a Slack room, other services? The CoC should apply to all these areas listed.
Annotated on January 10, 2020 at 09:02PM
Two goals the OpenETC stewardship team are working towards in 2020 is to begin formalizing some processes and guidelines for educators and students interested in using the services of the OpenETC community, and to provide more pathways of engagement with the openETC for community members. High on our to-do list for this year are the development of governance documents, like privacy policies and a code of conduct.
👓 Name Change | N.I.P.S.
As many of you know, there has been an ongoing discussion concerning the name of the Neural Information Processing Systems conference. The current acronym NIPS has unintended connotations that some members of the community find offensive.
Following several well-publicized incidents of insensitivity at past conferences, and our acknowledgement of other less-publicized incidents, we conducted community polls requesting alternative names, rating the existing and alternative names, and soliciting additional comments.
After extensive discussions, the NIPS Board has decided not to change the name of the conference for now. The poll itself did not yield a clear consensus on a name change or a well-regarded alternative name.
👓 Micro.blog Help | Micro.blog community guidelines
At Micro.blog, we believe there needs to be a line between the social network and the content at your own site. Your web site is your own, where you have the freedom to write about whatever you want, but a service like Micro.blog has a responsibility to build a safe community for its users.