Read Can someone add some more HTML tags, please? by Dries BuytaertDries Buytaert (
Every day, millions of new web pages are added to the internet. Most of them are unstructured, uncategorized, and nearly impossible for software to understand. It irks me. Look no further than Sir Tim Berners-Lee's Wikipedia page: The markup for Tim Berners-Lee's Wikipedia page; it's complex and inc...

We definitely need more rich mark up that’s parseable and usable. I’m not sure that additional HTML tags would necessarily be taken up heavily to be of much use.

I do like having some solid microformats on my own content and it works out well with many of the parsing tools that I use regularly for consuming content. I’m curious what Dries has tried out in terms of options he’s dogfooded into Drupal? I do notice that when my website parses his article, it does pull in more data than most sites I come across. The one thing my parser didn’t find was his avatar in the “correct” place. It popped up as a page photo rather than an avatar for him as an author.

Putting microformats into Wikipedia seems like an interesting idea. Anyone want to manually add microformats to tbl’s Wikipedia page? 🙂

👓 Introducing Trashy.css | CSS Tricks

Read Introducing Trashy.css by Nathan Smith (CSS-Tricks)
It began, as many things do, with a silly conversation. In this case, I was talking with our Front End Technology Competency Director (aka "boss man")
I can’t wait to try this out on some sites. I love that it’s got a browser bookmarklet that will let one test out other sites too.