Read What do authority and curiosity sound like on the radio? NPR has been expanding that palette from its founding by Jason Loviglio (Nieman Lab)
From nasal New York accents to vocal fry, NPR's anchors and reporters have long inflamed debates about whose voices should represent the nation — or just be heard by it.
WNYC Studios’ On The Media recently had a piece on the history, science, and engineering behind How Radio Makes Female Voices Sound “Shrill”.

This piece on NPR is a great example of how we’re still dealing with these engineering and social problems nearly a century on.

Bookmarked Nieman Lab's Predictions for Journalism 2020 (Nieman Lab)
Each year, we ask some of the smartest people in journalism and digital media what they think is coming in the next 12 months. Here’s what they had to say.
It’s one of my favorite times of the year. Nieman Lab has started releasing articles in their series Predictions for Journalism 2020. Last year’s were very solid, so I can’t wait to hear what’s in store for the coming year.
Read Eat Hot Chip and Lie (Know Your Meme)
Eat Hot Chip and Lie refers to a copypasta based on a viral tweet describing perceived behavior of female individuals born after the year 1993. Starting in May 2019, the tweet has been referenced in posts on Twitter, with the copypasta also appearing in ironic memes in the following months.
Bookmarked SPLOT Tools (
The acronym SPLOT was coined by Brian Lamb (Levine, 2014) when working with Alan Levine to create tools that solved a number of issues seen in the LMS and ad-based web tools. While it’s (intentionally) difficult to pin down an exact definition (, 2019), the focus is on simple tools that protect student privacy while providing powerful opportunities for students to create and share media that directly align with learning objectives. SPLOTs support and value open education while making it as easy as possible to post media in an appealing and accessible way.
Read PodBox – A SPLOT for Podcasting (
This is an experiment of using the SPLOTbox theme as a podcast collection platform. So record your story and share it with us (be sure to use the category for this episode, that’s how they get in the show). It will join the others in the collection (and listed below). See as well an example of a Podcast made from audio at external URLs, all were added to the site via the Studio Form.
Bookmarked !!Con West 2020 (

!!Con (pronounced “bang bang con”) West is a two-day conference of ten-minute talks about the joy, excitement, and surprise of computing, and the west-coast successor to !!Con! We’re looking forward to seeing you in Santa Cruz, California, on the campus of UC Santa Cruz, on February 29th and March 1st, 2020!

Read Weekly Web Harvest for 2019-12-08 by Tom Woodward (
“Link In Bio” is a slow knife For a closed system, those kinds of open connections are deeply dangerous. If anyone on Instagram can just link to any old store on the web, how can Instagram — meaning Facebook, Instagram’s increasingly-overbearing owner — tightly control commerce on its plat...
I’d read the Anil Dash piece, but everything else in here looks positively fascinating!

While I tend to post everything I read on my site as I’m reading it. I do quite like how Tom Woodward provides weekly little recaps of the best stuff he’s found.

Read Driving The Reclaim Process Using Terms Of Service Didn't Read by Kin Lane (Kin Lane)
I’m thinking through some of the next steps for my Reclaim Your Domain process, in preparation for a hackathon we have going on this weekend. Based upon defining, and executing on my own #Reclaim process, I want to come up with a v1 proposal, for one possible vision for the larger #Reclaim lifecycle.
Followed Kin Lane (Kin Lane)

My name is Kin Lane. I am a writer, storyteller, and forever recovering technologist. If you've heard of my name before, you probably know me as the API Evangelist, covering the technology, business, and politics of APIs. I am also the Chief Evangelist at Postman, helping shape the narrative of what the modern API life cycle looks like, and how one of the most beloved developer tools out there helps you be more successful in your API journey.

Kin Lane