Replied to a post by w4rnerw4rner (Warner Writes)

w4rner, I’m replying to your personal site on from my site on WordPress and sending you a webmention. Hopefully you’ll see the reply somewhere within the m.b. interface, but not sure if/how it will display in the timeline. I’m guessing that since I’m not syndicating it directly into the timeline myself that it won’t appear there and may only appear on your page if your settings and set up allow it. (I see the conversation.js on your page, so I’m guessing it will.) I would suspect it should appear in your @mentions tab and you should be able to reply to it from there though.

Let me know what you find…

Replied to a tweet by Stian Håklev (Twitter)

We totally need to schedule a follow up to the IndieWeb Gardens & Streams session from early 2020 to discuss the efflorescence of platforms in this space. I’d love to see more of them supporting Webmention for garden-to-garden interactions.

My poor little website passed 23,000 comments/replies/reactions yesterday. This is in tremendous part due to webmentions and the ability to collect the conversation about my content across social spaces.

I’m wondering when comments will pass the number of posts (currently 27,648)?

Read - Reading: Go Jump in the Pool! (Macdonald Hall, #2) by Gordon Korman (Scholastic)
When Bruno and Boots learn that Macdonald Hall is about to lose some of its best students to its arch-rival, York Academy, because the Hall doesn't have a swimming pool, they go on the warpath, determined to save the school. But their fundraising schemes turn to hilarious chaos!
Finished through chapter 5.

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Read Forging Communities: Memory and Identity in Post-Conquest England by Jennifer PaxtonJennifer Paxton (Haskins Society Journal (2002))

Physical print sent by the author and not available in digital format (at least that I can currently find.)

This isn’t the sort of essay I was initially hoping for, but it does touch on the idea of forged church documents as a means of providing a power base for certain churches versus others as well as versus other leaders. Without an oral society with memory methods spread among various constituencies, the power structure was based solely on written (or forged) documents.