❤️ Dries tweet

Liked a tweet by Dries BuytaertDries Buytaert (Twitter)
What a gift! Dries @s me while I’m at DrupalCamp! I feel like I’ve got some serious Drupal street cred now.

❤️ gozala tweet

Liked a tweet by gozalagozala (Twitter)

❤️ benwerd tweet

Liked a tweet by Ben WerdmullerBen Werdmuller (Twitter)
Chickened a tweet by TwoSet ViolinTwoSet Violin (Twitter)
Having created a chicken feed on my personal website really brings me a lot of joy… How can you not love this? It could have been a like or a favorite or even a jam post, but the chicken post really just transcends it all.

👓 a note | Kathleen Fitzpatrick

Liked a post by Kathleen FitzpatrickKathleen Fitzpatrick (Kathleen Fitzpatrick)
Thanks to @ayjay, I’m testing out micro.blog, linking the “aside” post type here and — if all goes well — eventually to twitter dot com as well. I’ve been working on consolidating my digital presence, and I’m hopeful that this might help.

👓 Avatar Privacy | WordPress.org

Read Avatar Privacy by Peter Putzer, Johannes Freudendahl (WordPress.org)

Avatars from Gravatar.com are great, but they come with certain privacy implications. You as site admin may already know this, but your visitors and users probably don’t. Avatar Privacy can help to improve the privacy situation by making some subtle changes to the way avatars are displayed on your site.

The plugin works without changing your theme files if you use a modern theme, and it does support (simple) multisite installations. It requires at least PHP 5.6 and WordPress 4.9. For the plugin to do anything for you, you need to visit the discussion settings page in the WordPress admin area and save the new settings. Please note that the plugin does not provide an options page of its own, it rather adds to the existing discussion settings page.

❤️ ClintSmithIII tweet about philanthropy

Replied to a tweet by Clint Smith on TwitterClint Smith on Twitter (Twitter)
This reminds me a lot of Malcolm Gladwell‘s thesis about philanthropy in higher education. Hopefully identifying the problem and suggestions for solutions will point a way to fixing the problem.

🔖 netflix tweet

Bookmarked a tweet by Netflix USNetflix US (Twitter)

❤️ voss tweet

Liked a tweet by Jonas VossJonas Voss (Twitter)
My older brother who speaks some Dutch might be impressed at how popular I apparently am in the Netherlands/Belgium.