Read A Number Theorist Who Solves the Hardest Easy Problems by Erica KlarreichErica Klarreich (Quanta Magazine)
In his rapid ascent to the top of his field, James Maynard has cut a path through simple-sounding questions about prime numbers that have stumped mathematicians for centuries.
A paragraph or two on some of the more technical aspects would have been better than some of the hero-worship and seeming lone-genius narrative that was developed here. Use the particulars about the person to develop some interest in the mathematics and its history.
Read Fun and Done by David BryantDavid Bryant (
Success! As the result of today's project day at IndieWebCamp West I now have a working color scheme selector. In the upper right corner of this page you'll see a slider that'll let you choose a light or dark color scheme for this and every other page on my site. Most of the implementation is nearly...
Read IndieWebCamp West -- Learn + Do by David BryantDavid Bryant (
Excellent first day yesterday at IndieWebCamp West with site demos that inspired and sessions that informed. I saw several folks with light/dark color theme selectors on their sites so that's my primary task for today's "hands-on" project day. I also got some great glimpses at site automation tools ...
Thanks, as ever, to the inimitable Alex Vasquez for hosting the WordPress Pasadena General Meetup last night. It’s always good to see everyone!

I’m most excited to learn about the upcoming WordCamp Los Angeles Online. Can’t wait to see what the speaker line up will look like. Are you going to submit a talk?

Liked a tweet by Daphne K. Lee (Twitter)
Replied to a tweet by CeliaMcKee (Twitter)
We definitely need to normalize “failure”. I remember a CV of Failures from @jhaushofer from a few years back.

with additional coverage.

Replied to Hovercards by Joseph DicksonJoseph Dickson (
A Hovercard also known as a h-card is a bit of content that’s shared about you on your website kinda like a visual/interactive business card. Implementation looks like Gravitar. It can contain far more information and is self-hosted.
Joseph, I thought I caught you say it during the demos, but wasn’t 100% sure. Reading this, confirms it. You’re conflating two different but very similar ideas.

h-card is a microformat class around the mark up of data about identity elements like names, addresses, cities, countries, and often including an avatar or photo. Hovercard is a UI element that creates a visual card when one hovers over a name or similar element that would contain h-card details. 

Gravatar serves some of these functions for WordPress from a centralized perspective. The data you would imput there would be wrapped with the h-card class, while Jetpack would give you the ability to display Gravatars as hovercards, so that when you hover over an avatar it will display more detail about the person in a small card-like UI.

For your experimentation purposes, you should be able to use just one post to test against my site. Once you’ve modified your theme, you can simply resend the webmention to my site and that will automatically update your original post. You don’t need to create new posts each time to test it out.

If you haven’t gotten it cleared up, do join us in the IndieWeb #WordPress channel, or catch us at an upcoming HWC event.


Read Are Micropub Queries the missing link? by Grant RichmondGrant Richmond (
With IndieWebCamp West just about to start I figured this would be a good time to write up some of my thoughts on one of the missing pieces of the IndieWeb ecosystem: Micropub Queries.What is Micropub The quick version is that Micropub is an open standard to allow publishing to your own website from...
The session that this post kicked off may have been one of the most interesting ones at IndieWebCamp West this weekend.
Has anyone ever considered building an email extension of the Webmention specification?

By that I mean, a sender attempts to send a mention and if there is no endpoint or the send fails, then as a back up, the sender parses the receiving site’s page for an h-card and if an email address exists, sends an email notification there instead?

Might be helpful for those who don’t yet have Webmention set up, but could act as a backup. Then when they have things working later, they could force manual mentions to recollect them? Also useful for those who’d like notifications, but don’t want to build infrastructure or who might not want to show comments on their site either.

Bookmarked (
Posts: Ana Ulin: Adding Syndication Urls to My Posts
* {{citation| title = Adding Syndication Urls to My Posts| url =| author = [ Ana Ulin]| published = 2020-06-30| archiveurl =}}
Difference between revisions of “2020/West” – IndieWeb. 2020/West


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| author = [ Ana Ulin]
| published = 2020-06-30
| archiveurl =
* {{addyourself}}
* {{addyourself}}

IndieWeb Newsletter should include new videos from the IndieWeb account

Filed an Issue This Week in IndieWeb (GitHub)
Weekly digest of IndieWebCamp activity. Contribute to indieweb/this-week development by creating an account on GitHub.
I don’t remember if the Newsletter used to pick up videos from the IndieWebCamp YouTube account, but I’m pretty sure we haven’t set up any automation for the IndieWeb Newsletter to find and highlight our videos. This feature would be nice to have, particularly on weeks following IndieWebCamps to notify everyone that the videos have been processed and posted.

Here’s a page on for creating search queries without output of a variety of formats for raw data or even feeds:

The search should include at least videos posted from the IndieWeb account:

It might be worth having it pick up anything with the tags or common keywords like IndieWeb, IndieWebCamp, Webmention, Micropub, etc., but this may also require some moderation or oversight.