👓 The year you actually start to like your CMS | Nieman Journalism Lab | Eric Ulken

Read The year you actually start to like your CMS by Eric UlkenEric Ulken (Nieman Lab)
"If we do it right, users benefit from a feedback loop that helps make our work more valuable and relevant to them. And no journalist ever again has to wear their clunky CMS as a badge of honor."
Without saying it directly, there’s a very IndieWeb flavor to this piece. I’d love to see more journalists and technologists who are working in journalism contributing to improving the web.  The Nieman Lab’s collection of Predictions for Journalism in 2019 also has some other IndieWeb-centric articles for those who might be interested.

Eric Ulken, product director for newsroom tools at the USA TODAY NETWORK, has a great list of UI elements in the article that many journalists, newsrooms, and even average people would love to see built into content management systems. I hope that as people build and iterate that they write about their experiences and open source pieces so others can use and leverage them.

Personally, I think that W3C specs like Webmention, Micropub, and Microsub can help change the tide in the coming year.

Some things your tools will soon do for you — if they don’t already:

  • Automatically find and link relevant background material.
  • Suggest topics and contextualize newly created content as part of a bigger story arc, when relevant.
  • Show which topics, story forms and content types, in the aggregate, are resonating with priority audience segments and help you take action based on that info.
  • Dynamically alert you when there’s potential for promoting your work on other platforms and help you prioritize those efforts.
  • Keep track of the things you’ve published, show you how they’re doing with key audiences and suggest follow-up opportunities.
  • Call out popular evergreen content that could use freshening.
  • Run headline tests and other content experiments directly from the authoring and curation environment.
  • Identify missed opportunities and help you find out where your content fell flat with readers.
  • Enable the creation of mobile-first multimedia narratives and other non-text story forms.
  • Help you productively interact with your audiences and help them inform your coverage.
  • Calculate — at the staff, team and individual level — effort spent on things that don’t serve audiences well (thereby helping you devote more time to the things that do).
  • Elevate your phone from in-the-field last resort to full-fledged content creation and management tool, because the best device is the one you have with you.

Highlights, Quotes, Annotations, & Marginalia

Today’s leading-edge content tools are integrated context, collaboration and insight machines. We’re moving from unidirectional publishing of articles to organizing all our work and closing the feedback loop with our customers. I call this “full-stack publishing”.  

This sounds a little bit like what the IndieWeb is building for itself!

December 21, 2018 at 08:02PM

And while content analytics tools (e.g., Chartbeat, Parsely, Content Insights) and feedback platforms (e.g., Hearken, GroundSource) have thankfully helped close the gap, the core content management experience remains, for most of us, little improved when it comes to including the audience in the process.  

December 21, 2018 at 08:00PM

👓 Podcasts keep getting better | Nieman Journalism Lab

Read Podcasts keep getting better by John BiewenJohn Biewen (Nieman Lab)
"It turns out that people — well, lots of people, anyway — are hungry for substance. Our attention spans are quite intact, ready, and willing."

👓 Publishers come to terms with being Facebook’s enablers | Nieman Lab

Read Publishers come to terms with being Facebook’s enablers by Matt KarolianMatt Karolian (Nieman Lab)
"We need to learn from the mistakes *we made* and collectively build better guardrails for the industry, ensuring that we don't make these mistakes with large platform partners again."

👓 Newsonomics: 18 lessons for the news business from 2018 | Nieman Journalism Lab

Read Newsonomics: 18 lessons for the news business from 2018 by Ken DoctorKen Doctor (Nieman Lab)
From paywalls to politics, pipes companies to public radio, the Post to The Post, podcasting to partnerships, and the press to a president.
A nice little recap of some of the big changes in US journalism this year and some ideas about where it may be going. 

Highlights, Quotes, Annotations, & Marginalia

The lesson, again, and again: Unique voices supported by subscribers point a way forward.  

December 21, 2018 at 06:47PM

Check out the Times or the Post these days, though, and it is a different world. Stories of greatest import can sometimes stay atop phone screens for much of the day.  

And isn’t this how it happened in print, which just didn’t change because of the medium instead of editorial?

December 21, 2018 at 06:52PM

👓 The Rise of Knowledge Economics | Scientific American

Read The Rise of Knowledge Economics by César A. HidalgoCésar A. Hidalgo (Scientific American Blog Network)
What is knowledge? How does it disseminate? And what’s its value?
A great article outlining several related papers in Dr. Hidalgo’s opus. I like how he pulls together prior research as well as his own in an accessible way.

👓 Literally Just A Big List Of Facebook’s 2018 Scandals | BuzzFeed News

Read Literally Just A Big List Of Facebook’s 2018 Scandals (BuzzFeed News)
Mark Zuckerberg began the year promising that he would fix Facebook. He didn’t, and 2018 has only presented more problems.
Just the other day I was saying how hard it was keeping up with the litany of problems Facebook has had this year. BuzzFeed News has remedied the issue for me by literally making a really long list of all of them in a coherent timeline.

👓 What Is A WordPress Hook? | Caldera Forms

Read What Is A WordPress Hook? by Josh Pollock (WordPress Form Builder | Caldera Forms)
You can’t spend too long working in WordPress without finding out that you need a “hook.” Hooks are WordPress’ system for you to do something at a specific event. Hooks can be used to either change the value of something at some point — we call this a filter — or to do something, which i...

👓 What To Look For In A Web Host | Caldera Forms

Read What To Look For In A Web Host by Christie Chirinos (WordPress Form Builder | Caldera Forms)
In this post, I’m going to talk about how to choose a web host. If I had to guess, I would say that about 30% of our Caldera Forms support tickets are about a conflict with a hosting provider. We know better than most that choosing the right web hosting provider is essential to any site builder’...

👓 Don’t Waste Your Time On These 4 Common Security Tips | Caldera Forms

Read Don’t Waste Your Time On These 4 Common Security Tips by David Hayes (WordPress Form Builder | Caldera Forms)
Following last week’s post about WordPress security, in this post, I’ll start with advice I see commonly in other places that I don’t see much point in doing. Most of this advice is nearly harmless to slightly beneficial if it’s done. But the reason I don’t recommend it is that its benefit...

👓 Basic Things You Need to Know to Become a WordPress Developer | Caldera Forms

Read Basic Things You Need to Know to Become a WordPress Developer by Josh Pollock (WordPress Form Builder | Caldera Forms)
There are a lot of reasons to love WordPress, but one of the reasons I keep WordPressing is the supportive community. While I have no formal training as a web developer, I don’t like describing myself as “self-taught.” I didn’t figure this out on my own, I was taught by a supportive communit...

👓 For the First Time in More Than 20 Years, Copyrighted Works Will Enter the Public Domain | Smithsonian Magazine

Read For the First Time in More Than 20 Years, Copyrighted Works Will Enter the Public Domain (Smithsonian)
A beloved Robert Frost poem is among the many creations that are (finally) losing their protections in 2019

👓 The perils of mixing open source and money | DHH

Read The perils of mixing open source and money by David Heinemeier HanssonDavid Heinemeier Hansson (dhh.dk)

Fundraising for open source has become trivial through venues like Kickstarter, so it's natural more projects are asking for money. "Imagine all the good I could do if I was able to work on this full time for the benefit of the community". Yes, let's imagine indeed.

Highlights, Quotes, Annotations, & Marginalia

You’re solving the problems for you and your mates, likely in the simplest way you could, so you can get back to whatever you originally intended to do before starting to shave the yak.
But once there is money involved, work will expand to fill the amount raised (to paraphrase Parkinson’s law).

External, expected rewards diminish the intrinsic motivation of the fundraising open-source contributor. It risks transporting a community of peers into a transactional terminal. And that buyer-seller frame detracts from the magic that is peer-collaborators.

Take Ruby on Rails. More than 3,000 people have committed man-decades, maybe even man-centuries, of work for free. Buying all that effort at market rates would have been hundreds of millions of dollars. Who would have been able to afford funding that?

👓 National Poetry Writing Month #NaPoWriMo: 3 Days In! | Silence and Voice

Read National Poetry Writing Month #NaPoWriMo: 3 Days In! by Jeffrey KeeferJeffrey Keefer (Silence and Voice)
I have been successful with writing poems for the first two days of National Poetry Writing Month, the annual celebration of poetry writing that coincides with National Poetry Month each April. Since I have been writing poetry as one of my 2018 goals (the goal is specifically to publish a poem this year), I thought this was a wonderful opportunity to generate some first drafts of poems in a communal setting as others who are engaging in the same process are sharing their progress via the #NaPoWriMo tag .
I’ve been considering that I ought to write more poetry. Perhaps NaPoWriMo would be the way to go?

👓 How to Delete Facebook | The New York Times

Read How to Delete Facebook (New York Times)
Lost faith in Facebook after data leakages, breaches and too much noise? Here’s a guide to breaking up with the social network and its photo-sharing app for good.
You know things are bad for Facebook when the New York Times is publishing tutorial how-to’s about how to delete Facebook.