RSVPed Attending Homebrew Website Club West Coast 2020-08-05

Any questions? Ask in the IndieWeb chat!
Notes for the meetup's etherpad.
This week's event host: Chris Aldrich

Homebrew Website Club is a meetup for anyone interested in personal websites and a distributed web. Whether you’re a blogger, coder, designer, or just someone who wants to improve their presence on the web, this meetup is for you.

6:00pm–7:30pm IndieWeb Meetup

* Demos of personal website breakthroughs
* Discussion around the independent web
* Get to know other members of the IndieWeb!
* Create or update your personal web site!
* Finish that blog post you’ve been working on!

Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site, or are interested in a healthy, independent web!

RSVP (optional)

If your website supports it, post an indie RSVP.
Or, log in and click “I'm Going” on the event. If none of that means anything to you, don't worry about it; just show up!

Now weekly!

Check for next week's meetup! There are some meetups in European and US Eastern time zones as well.

I’m hosting Homebrew Website Club next Wednesday and hope you’ll be able to join us.
RSVPed Attending Innovate Pasaddena: Creating Lifelike Animate Companions that Enhance our Lives

Online event: July 17, 2020 at 08:30AM - 10:00AM

Moxie is an animate companion that promotes social and emotional development through play-based learning. Paolo Pirjanian will show a demo and speak to his journey developing Moxie and his vision for how technology can improve and enhance our lives.

We're at a tipping point of a paradigm shift in the way we will interact with technology. Embodied is aiming to lead this charge through an advanced social interface that respects humans’ natural modes of interaction, beyond simple verbal commands, to enable the next generation of computing, and to power a new class of machines that will change the world around us. Paolo will discuss how he and his team at Embodied are rethinking and reinventing how human-machine interaction is done - starting with the recent announcement of Moxie.

Moxie is an animate companion that helps children build social, emotional, and cognitive skills through everyday play-based learning and engaging content developed in association with experts in child development and education. Embodied has assembled a world class team of experts in engineering, technology, game design, and entertainment to bring to life a robot with machine learning technology that allows it to perceive, process and respond to natural conversation, eye contact, facial expressions and other behavior as well as recognize and recall people, places, and things.

Paolo will speak to his journey developing Moxie and his vision for how technology can improve and enhance our lives.

BIO: Paolo Pirjanian
Paolo Pirjanian is the former CTO of iRobot and early leader in the field of consumer robotics with 16+ years of experience developing and commercializing cutting-edge home robots. He led world-class teams and companies at iRobot®, Evolution Robotics®, and others. In 2016, Paolo founded Embodied, Inc. with the vision to build socially and emotionally intelligent companions that improve care and wellness and enhance our daily lives.

RSVPed Attending IndieWebCamp: Micropub Pop-Up Session

July 25, 2020 at 09:30AM- July 25, 2020 at 11:30AM

The Micropub protocol is used to create, update and delete posts on one's own domain using third-party clients.

Etherpad Link

This session will be to iterate on proposed extensions to Micropub, listed on the Micropub-extensions page.

We will discuss which extensions can be moved to stable, try to better define those proposed, and to see who is willing to implement what proposal.

RSVPed Attending Santa Clarita Valley WordPress Meetup: Using WordPress to own your online data & social media presence w/Chris Aldrich

Online event
August 22, 2020 at 11:00 AM- 01:00PM

Corporate social media has been dominating the online space so significantly that the newest generation of Internet users now thinks that is what the "web" actually is. Fortunately, with WordPress as your platform, you can not only take back your online identity and presence, but you can use it to have a richer and fuller experience than the locked-down experience you get with the limits of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Chris will explore some open web standards and technologies that open up WordPress to allow site-to-site interactions and easier posting functionality through the magic of a small handful of simple plugins. These are simple enough building blocks that the beginning WordPress user can do some powerful new things with their sites but are also rich enough that senior developers can build and extend them or find uses for them for business sites and even e-commerce.

I suppose since I’m the one speaking that I have to RSVP, right?! I hope everyone will come join me in talking about using WordPress and the IndieWeb.

You can also find a copy of the event on the IndieWeb Events calendar.

RSVPed Attending Innovate Pasadena Adriana Torresan: What Your Startup Can Learn From My Failure

Online event: July 10, 2020 at 08:30AM - 09:15AM

We have all failed or will fail at one point or another in life. The lessons that I learned after spending 3 years building my startup and failing, I learned by myself. What I’m sharing here is personal to me and my experience.

How I see it now is that I have two options: I can either keep what I learned to myself and apply it to my next venture, or I can share it with you. I like to think that the world would be a much better place if we all share more, give more, and connect more. I hope these lessons will help you save money and time with MVP iterations, and consequently, achieve product-market fit faster.

To get a head start, read the blog post that inspirited this talk 3 Lessons Learned From My Startup Failure. This talk is for visionaries, entrepreneurs, product managers or any one with the dream to one day start working on your own ideas. The time is actually NOW!

Bio: Adriana T. Torresan
Adriana T. Torresan is a seasoned product expert and serial founder, with a deep passion for the transformations that occur at the intersection of business, people and technology. She has helped create and build products for a variety of platforms, technologies and industries, including Disney Imagineering, BMW, Capital Group and Age of Learning. Today, she helps startups achieve product-market fit and accelerate their growth by implementing the “Fearless Product Strategy,” a framework guided by authentic data (no misleading interpretations) and audacious experiments. Because now, more than ever, we need vision, honesty and courage to reach optimal exits.

RSVPed Attending Getting Started with WordPress, an IndieWebCamp Pop-up Session

This will be a broad-based introduction to the IndieWeb session specifically focused on using WordPress. Our aim is to help people get set up and running a self-hosted IndieWeb-based website with WordPress though some of our discussion will work for versions as well.

  • Grab a cup of coffee and get an IndieWeb site up and running in just a few hours.
  • Have questions or problems with your current WordPress IndieWeb site? Stop by and get some help.
  • Just figuring out what IndieWeb is about? Much of what we'll discuss is applicable to other platforms and may be useful to other beginners as well.
  • All levels of experience welcome
  • (Note: for those without a domain registered or web hosting, we may have a brief pre-session to help you out so we can be more productive during the main session.)

  • Notes for the session will take place at:
  • Create week: Following the session, we'll give people a chance to create something for their site to do remote demos.
  • Demos: When we're done, we'll have a short online demo session so people can show off the new sites and maybe demo their favorite functionality.
RSVPed Attending WPCampus 2020 Online - July 29-30
Where WordPress meets Higher Education
WPCampus is a two-day online conference. It will cover a variety of topics, all focused on the growth of higher education, accessibility, WordPress, and its people. Our event will include a variety of formats, including general lectures, lightning talks, sponsor demonstrations, and trivia! Take advantage of online discussions with speakers and fellow attendees who know […]
The schedule looks awesome, and since it’s online, remote attendance should be far easier than needing to travel in the late summer. I look forward to seeing everyone there!
RSVPed Attending WordPress Custom Post Types and Taxonomies with Marco Berrocal

June 20, 2020 at 11:00AM- June 20, 2020 at 01:00PM

There are times when a WordPress installation may come up short in relation to what is required by your client. You need content of another type that isn’t a page or a post, and you need to label it differently. Enter Custom Post Types and Taxonomies.

During this Meetup, Marco will discuss what they are, show you how to create them, what his recommendations are when it comes to creating them, and how you can see WordPress as more than just a blogging or a simple site platform.

BIO: Marco Berrocal, Partner Relations at GreenGeeks
Marco is a talented WordPress developer who has worked for more than a decade making custom themes and plugins. He absolutely loves working with WordPress and with his local community (Costa Rica) as a WordCamp Organizer. When he is not in WordPress mode, he's all about my kids, travel, and food.

As always, we'll get the latest news and information going on in WordPress and answer your questions in a mini-version of a Happiness Bar.

RSVPed Attending WordPress Custom Post Types and Taxonomies with Marco Berrocal
Sat, Jun 20, 2020, 11:00 AM
OVERVIEW: There are times when a WordPress installation may come up short in relation to what is required by your client. You need content of another type that isn’t a page or a post, and you need to label it differently. Enter Custom Post Types and Taxonomies.
During this Meetup, Marco will discuss what they are, show you how to create them, what his recommendations are when it comes to creating them, and how you can see WordPress as more than just a blogging or a simple site platform.
RSVPed Attending VIRTUAL MEETUP: Speed Networking with Alec Miller & Christy Conner
Fri, Jun 12, 2020, 8:30 AM
This structured networking event will allow you to meet new professional and personal contacts and establish a basis for future collaboration in an exciting format. You will be randomly placed in small groups and each person will have a few minutes to give an overview of their background, their goals, and areas that they might be looking for new connections or ways they can help others.
If you are new to the format of speed networking don’t worry – we’ll have suggestions as to how to start, what to talk about, and how to follow up afterwards.