Liked IndieWeb Plugins and WordPress 101 by Michael Beckwith (
The IndieWeb movement had become somewhat a big deal for me in 2019. Potentially the biggest life change for the calendar year.
Michael has written a great overview of the IndieWeb for folks who are already relatively aware of WordPress and how it works. A great jumping off point for owning your online identity.
Spent a few minute to finally set up my website with so that it's now pulling responses back from Mastodon. It's so nice to see all the interactions that were once "lost" to me coming back to live with their proper contexts on my website. For those looking to tinker with their websites as…

A brief year in review of my website, domain, online identity, commonplace book, journal, diary, etc.

With this post I will have posted to my personal website every day this past year. #​​AMA This may seem incredibly impressive in a post-blog era when some people think it's an achievement to have written on their personal site even once this year. When the average person thinks about how they use social media…
Replied to Flow in WordPress for writers by Dave WinerDave Winer (Scripting News)
Flow is the writer's problem for blogging. I have been working on this since I started in 1994. I solved the problem for myself in 1997, and ever since I've been working on solving it for everyone else.
Dave has some solid points about the UI and process of writing here. Speed is key! WordPress is pretty deplorable in this way. Some of the more advanced user may simply write the word "new" in their browser and tab down once to the correct URL to begin creating. Others may have some browser bookmarklets…
Replied to a tweet by Johannes ErnstJohannes Ernst (Twitter)
There is some pre-existing work for tips, recommendations, reviews, etc. But it would be nice to have an IndieNews sort of hub to aggregate them all. Maybe I could start by making the first recommendation to use 
My newest IndieWeb desire: The ability to watch and simultaneously screencapture, gif-ify, and otherwise live note a movie with commentary and quotes on my website (roughly in real time without distracting from it too much) the way Bix has done with The Desk Set on Twitter. I'd love to do it as a running collection…
Replied to How to send a Webmention in comments? by Paul JacobsonPaul Jacobson (Paul Jacobson)
I’ve had Webmentions enabled on this site for some time now. Sending a Webmention is pretty straightforward thanks to plugins like Webmention for WordPress and Semantic-Linkbacks. The question is how to send Webmentions in comments when someone replies to one of my posts?
Okay, this gives a lot more context! It looks like you're 90% of the way there. I suspect the last piece you're missing are the proper microformats either in your theme or in the_body of your specific reply. I suspect you know what microformats are Paul, but for context and the benefit of others reading,…
Replied to a tweet by Hungry Bread ElevatorHungry Bread Elevator (Twitter)
Some of the off-label uses of have been enumerated lately, including some I've mentioned. I've tinkered a bit with CROWDLAAERS, but it's always seemed to me geared toward a very niche audience including teachers potentially using it for grading? Perhaps I'm missing some more of its flexibility? Remi Kalir might be able to help…
Replied to a tweet by Paul JacobsonPaul Jacobson (Twitter)
There's a few quick ways depending on your needs: If you're using the Webmention plugin, it will happen automatically on publish. (If you're also using it to receive, then I highly recommend using Semantic Linkbacks as well.) For quick "manual" webmentions you can use Aaron Parecki's Telegraph or Kevin Marks' Mention Tech. Just input your…

Cleaning up feeds, easier social following, and feed readers

I've been doing a bit of clean up in my feed reader(s)--cleaning out dead feeds, fixing broken ones, etc. I thought I'd take a quick peek at some of the feeds I'm pushing out as well. I remember doing some serious updates on the feeds my site advertises three years ago this week, but it's…
Liked Announcing! by Aaron PareckiAaron Parecki (Aaron Parecki)
I'm super happy to announce the launch of a new website for IndieWeb events at! This website is a place to find and post events for the IndieWeb community.
This is HUGE! Thanks Aaron. I've been thinking of restarting HWC-LA, and this is just the sort of motivation that helps tremendously! This is such a huge contribution that it ought to be able to fill up all the empty slots in the IndieWeb giving calendar this month. Wow, just wow!
Replied to Starting an IndieWeb Homebrew Website Club by Jeremy Felt (
Starting things is fun. Narrating things as you go is… funner. Just about a month ago I joined the IndieWeb chat via Slack, which is connected to IRC and a web chat as well. I haven’t actually participated, but I’ve been getting the feel of conversations and checking out a bunch of the materia...
Congrats this is awesome! Even doing the cutting/pasting from the wiki page to set up an event can sometimes be harrowing, so kudos for sticking with that part. The part I got hung up on the most here was actually adding my name in the RSVP. The code seemed to suggest that adding would work,…

The Nieman Lab has an awesome and invaluable “Reading Page”

Usually I'm reading their content via a feed reader, but last night I visited their actual site and I noticed that the Nieman Lab has a reading page! Since they're unlikely to report on the mechanics of some of their own website and journalistic output, I'll take a moment to highlight it on their behalf.…