Search Results for: indieweb
The Logos, Ethos, and Pathos of IndieWeb
Editor's note: This is another in a continuing series of essays about the IndieWeb. Where is the IndieWeb? Logos One might consider the IndieWeb's wiki-based website and chat the "logos" of IndieWeb. There is a small group of about a hundred active to very active participants who hang out in these spaces on a…
How to Live the IndieWeb Dream
I've posted this in a threaded conversation hidden away on my own website, but it really needs to be highlighted as its own post, so I'm putting another copy of it here for discoverability. Thanks Chris ( for your kind compliment. I'd welcome you and anyone else to come join me. There are a bunch…
IndieWeb Readlists: Tools and Brainstorming
Readlists revived Apparently early last year Jim Nielsen (Twitter) cleverly rebuilt an IndieWeb friendly version of readlist functionality! He describes his motivation and provides some examples in his post (Re)Introducing Readlists. You can try it out at Missing I fondly remember the original ReadLists site, and I too have desperately missed my account…
SEO Traffic Increases for IndieWeb Reads, Watches, Listens, and other Bookmarked Content
I usually think not a wit about SEO and web stats/traffic with respect to my personal website, but a recent WordPress notification about an unusual spike in traffic got me thinking. In the past, I've very often posted some social bookmark-type posts of what I read, watch, and listen to online. They're usually of a…
IndieWebCamp Personal Libraries Pop Up Session
We've scheduled a date and time for the previously announced Personal Libraries pop up session. Everyone with an interest in the topic is invited to join and participate. Date: Saturday, February 19, 2022 Time: 9:00am - 1:00pm (America/Los_Angeles) Code of Conduct: We'll focus discussion on personal libraries on one's site and how they can…
Call for Interest: IndieWebCamp pop up session on Goodreads replacements and decentralized book projects
Based on some recent discussions with a variety of people I'm helping to organize an IndieWebCamp pop-up session on personal libraries online. If you've ever considered how to own all your own Goodreads-like reading data and still interact with others or you've got an website, product, or application that attempts to do this, this is…
IndieWeb as a Service (IaaS) Idea: PESOS from all the Silos with Feeds using Micropub
IndieWeb as a Service idea: Imagine a Micropub client that could accept any form of feed (RSS/Atom/JSON/h-entry/etc.) as an input and publish the content to your personal website. Then any silo service (Soundcloud, Goodreads, Flickr, etc.) with such feeds could be used to syndicate all of one's content to their own personal website with reasonable…
IndieWeb Committment for New Year’s Eve 2021
The annual page for IndieWeb New Year's Commitments is up. I always have trouble with coming up with something new and interesting to work on. (There are really so many things, to be honest, and so many that I ought to do, but which seem so droll... What might be fun!?!) I was recently enamored…
Gardens and Streams II: An IndieWebCamp Pop-up Session on Wikis, Digital Gardens, Online Commonplace Books, Zettelkasten and Note Taking
Event Details Date: Saturday, September 25, 2021 Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Event page: We’ll discuss and brainstorm ideas related to wikis, commonplace books, digital gardens, zettelkasten, and note taking on personal websites and how they might interoperate or communicate with each other. This can include IndieWeb building blocks, user interfaces, functionalities,…
Planning for Gardens and Streams II: An IndieWebCamp pop-up session on Wikis, Digital Gardens, online Commonplace Books, and note taking
Following this past week's I Annorate 2021 note taking sessions and the original Gardens and Steams IndieWeb pop up event last year, I thought it wold be a good idea to have a structured and open follow up. I've sketched out some ideas on the IndieWeb wiki at Feel free to share your ideas…
Non-technical IndieWeb: Fun, Creativity, Community, and “Content”
I wish the indieweb had more content that wasn't about the indieweb — simulacrum party (@simulacrumparty) December 19, 2020 The hard part of making cool websites isn't the tech, it's the content! Of course I fall into the trap of writing a new ssg every six months as well because it's easier and safer than…
IndieWeb Inspirational Cards
I've been tinkering with and test driving some various image creation tools. To test them and simultaneously have some fun, I made a series of creative inspirational cards/inspirational posters/postcards for the IndieWeb. All the images are royalty free from Pixabay, and I'm releasing the text and additional work with a CC0 license. Feel free to…
Anagrams for IndieWeb
It's just a long enough word to make some other interesting words. I Web Dine (apropos to eat what you cook!) Newbie Id (because it's all about identity, right?) I In Ed Web (for those in the IndieWeb for Education space) Be Win Die (the circle of an IndieWeb life perhaps) Bed I Wine I…
A Session Proposal for IndieWebCamp East: A Domain of One’s Own LMS
IndieWebCamp East (Online) is coming up on the weekend of November 14-15, 2020, so I've tentatively proposed a session on creating an IndieWeb/Domain of One's Own Learning Management System. Proposal: A Domain of One's Own LMS The coronavirus pandemic has rapidly forced educators to flee online where there is a wealth of predatory, amoral, and…