IndieWebCamp East 2020 is scheduled for the weekend of November 14-15, 2020 and will be held entirely online this year. RSVPs are open now if you'd like to register for free. If you've never been to an IndieWebCamp before, we've got some details about what to expect. It's not on the schedule yet, but sometime…
Hello IndieWeb friends and family! Save the Date After some back-and-forth, several of us have carved out some time over the weekend of November 14-15 to co-host IndieWebCamp East 2020. We hope you'll be able to join us. If you're interested in a weekend full of IndieWeb related activities, sessions, learning, creating, and coming together…
The IndieWeb WordPress community could use some more theme options. Let's get together as a community and host a theme raising (a play on the idea of the old barn raising). We can all work/hack together to make some of the popular WordPress themes more IndieWeb friendly. We'll discuss methods for adding the necessary Microformats and best ways…
Have you been hearing whispers about the #IndieWeb and want to know more? Did you see Tantek's call to action at WordCampUS last November, but wondered how to get started? Do you have a WordPress website where you want to better own and control your own data? Do you want to use your own website…
I'll be hosting an introduction to IndieWeb using WordPress and invite everyone to join me via Zoom (link to come). Saturday, August 1, 2020 9:30 - 11:30am (America/Los_Angeles) This will be a broad-based introduction to the IndieWeb session specifically focused on using WordPress. Our aim is to help people get set up and running a…
I don't have a specific "Edit" post kind on my website (yet!), but I've set things up--using a prior recipe--so that edits I make to the IndieWeb wiki are syndicated (via PESOS) to the Micropub endpoint on my website to create draft posts on my personal website! Presently they were easiest to map to my…
Weekly digest of IndieWebCamp activity. Contribute to indieweb/this-week development by creating an account on GitHub.
I don't remember if the Newsletter used to pick up videos from the IndieWebCamp YouTube account, but I'm pretty sure we haven't set up any automation for the IndieWeb Newsletter to find and highlight our videos. This feature would be nice to have, particularly on weeks following IndieWebCamps to notify everyone that the videos…
Some of us have been wishing there were a #Domains20, but it's a LOT to organize and execute on an annual basis. To bridge a bit of the gap, I'm collaborating with some in the IndieWeb movement to do a free online-only (due to physical distancing) two day BarCamp-style conference on the weekend of June…
IndieWebCamp West Coast is an online IndieWebCamp being held on June 27-28, 2020. Tickets / RSVP To RSVP and claim your FREE tickets, register here: Optionally, if you're able to log into with your own website you can RSVP here OR if your website supports it, post an indie RSVP on your…
A few weeks back, I hosted a stand alone IndieWebCamp pop-up session. I had promised to scribble down some thoughts about the process and how it might be improved based on my experience. If anyone else has thoughts on how it went or how future events like this could be improved, I'd love to read…
Thank you everyone! For those who attended yesterday's The Garden and the Stream IndieWebCamp session, thank you for participating! I honestly only expected 4 or 5 wiki fans to show up, so I was overwhelmed with the crowd that magically appeared from across multiple countries and timezones. I've heard from many--both during the session and…
There has been some sporadic conversation about doing impromptu IndieWebCamp sessions and thus far we've yet to organize one. Given our physical distancing and the dearth of bigger IndieWebCamps, I thought I would propose this single topic stand alone camp session to get something rolling. I'd invite others to propose and schedule others in the…
Yesterday I ran across a tweet in the IndieWeb chat announcing that Typlog, a hosted website/blogging platform, now supports Webmention. Webmention is supported on Typlog now: — Typlog (@typlog) March 30, 2020 I looked at their website, and it also looks like they support a few other IndieWeb building blocks including WebSub and RelMeAuth…
I'd love it if ThreadReaderApp had the ability to authenticate into my personal website and publish a copy of my own tweetstorms into my blog using Micropub. This would be a great way to leverage their existing infrastructure and to allow people to put their own Tweetstorms onto their blog and solve the perennial "Why…
Yesterday, the ever-thoughtful Jean MacDonald led a conversational session at IndieWebCamp Austin on Explaining the IndieWeb (video of the session). The session highlights one of the communities' ongoing struggles is to help to define itself simply to a tremendously large group of people from different backgrounds and wealths of experiences. The community has build a…