Read Here’s the full transcript and audio of the call between Trump and Raffensperger by Amy Gardner and Paulina Firozi (Washington Post)
Listen to the full Jan. 2 phone call. This audio has been edited to remove the name of an individual about whom the president makes unsubstantiated allegations. (Obtained by The Washington Post) About 3 p.m. Saturday, President Trump held an hour-long call with Brad Raffensperger, Georgia’s secretary of state, in which he repeatedly urged him to alter the outcome of the presidential vote in the state. He was joined on the call by White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and several lawyers, including longtime conservative attorney Cleta Mitchell and Georgia-based attorney Kurt Hilbert. Raffensperger was joined by his office’s general counsel, Ryan Germany, and Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs. The Washington Post obtained a copy of a recording of the call. This transcript has been edited to remove the name of an individual about whom Trump makes unsubstantiated claims.

Interesting to note that Trump does 95% of the speaking on this call and most of it both bullying and repeating the same small handful of lies. What an abhorrent loser clown he is.

Read When Would the Georgia Winners Be Certified? (WSJ)
The winners of today's contests in Georgia may take a while to be certified and get to Washington, meaning the Senate could be stuck at 51 Republicans -- including Sen. Kelly Loeffler but not David Perdue, whose term expired -- to 48 Democrats for several weeks after the results become clear. Accor

Sadly it looks like the two potential new Democratic senators from Georgia may not be seated until after it’s too late to convict Donald John Trump on a second impeachment.

Read How Trump Changed America by Clare Malone (
At 10:37 p.m. on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, I wrote myself an email: “Nate [Silver] and Micah [Cohen] just told me Clinton is probably going to lose, that she’s an underdog … collapse in the Midwest.” I’d been watching the 2016 vote returns in our office. At 9:35 p.m. Donald Trump’s chance of winning the election was 26 percent according to our model; by 10:09 p.m. it had moved to 44 percent. At 10:31 p.m. a blog post of mine went up about the radical shifts among voters without a college education in Michigan. Still, it took someone saying it out loud to arrange all those particulate results and blog posts in a line that pointed in just one direction: Trump was going to win the election.
Read SoulCycle’s exclusivity was its secret weapon — and its downfall (Vox)
The boutique fitness phenomenon sold exclusivity with a smile, until a toxic atmosphere and a push for growth brought the whole thing down.
A fascinating story about culture and exclusivity.
Replied to a tweet (Twitter)
Why bother with h-shitpost?! This should parse without any additional work:

<div class="h-entry">
  <time class="dt-published">2017-01-20</time>: 
  <p class="p-content">I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.</p>
  <span class="p-author">Donald John Trump</span>
  <span class="p-category">shitpost</span>
