👓 The Plot to Subvert an Election: Unraveling the Russia Story So Far | New York Times

Read The Plot to Subvert an Election: Unraveling the Russia Story So Far by Scott Shane (nytimes.com)
For two years, Americans have tried to absorb the details of the 2016 attack: spies, leaked emails, social media fraud — and President Trump’s claims that it’s all a hoax. The Times explores what we know and what it means.
A great synopsis of the Russia story going back to 2014. And if nothing else, some great artwork to go with it.

👓 Analysis | Robert Mueller may have just eliminated one of Trump’s biggest complaints | Washington Post

Read Robert Mueller may have just eliminated one of Trump’s biggest complaints by Philip BumpPhilip Bump (Washington Post)
Trump likes to complain about the cost of the Mueller probe. It might just have paid for itself.
I read this headline and think that they’ve written it specifically for a one person audience.

👓 Manafort juror reveals lone holdout prevented Mueller team from winning conviction on all counts | Fox News

Read Manafort juror reveals lone holdout prevented Mueller team from winning conviction on all counts (Fox News)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team was one holdout juror away from winning a conviction against Paul Manafort on all 18 counts of bank and tax fraud, juror Paula Duncan told Fox News in an exclusive interview Wednesday.

👓 The Mueller Indictments | National Review

Read The Mueller Indictments by Jonah Goldberg (National Review)
When twelve Russian intelligence operatives are indicted, the only response from the White House is to gloat that none of this proves collusion.

👓 The Terrible Arguments Against the Constitutionality of the Mueller Investigation | LawFare Blog

Read The Terrible Arguments Against the Constitutionality of the Mueller Investigation (Lawfare)
There is no serious argument that Robert Mueller’s appointment violates the Constitution.

👓 Trump has spent more visiting Mar-a-Lago than Mueller has on Russia probe | The Hill

Read Trump has spent more visiting Mar-a-Lago than Mueller has on Russia probe (TheHill)
President Trump has spent more in taxpayer dollars on frequent trips to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida than special counsel Robert Mueller's office has spent on the Russia investigation so far.

🎧 ‘The Daily’: Rod Rosenstein’s Impossible Choice | New York Times

Listened to ‘The Daily’: Rod Rosenstein’s Impossible Choice by Michael Barbaro from nytimes.com

President Trump has asked the Department of Justice to investigate whether the F.B.I. infiltrated his campaign in 2016 for political purposes. In response, the department granted the president’s team access to highly classified information from the special counsel’s Russia investigation. What’s behind this decision?

On today’s episode:

• Julie Hirschfeld Davis, who covers the White House for The New York Times.

Background reading:

• In a series of tweets on Sunday, President Trump demanded an investigation into whether an F.B.I. informant “infiltrated or surveilled” his campaign. The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, asked the Justice Department’s inspector general to accommodate the president’s wishes by expanding an existing inquiry.

• The president’s tweets referred to a Times report about Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, examining whether countries other than Russia, including Saudi Arabia, had offered assistance to the Trump campaign.

• After a White House meeting on Monday, intelligence and law enforcement officials agreed to disclose some sensitive documents from the Russia investigation to Republican congressional leaders.

🎧 ‘The Daily’: Does Mueller Have a Plan for Trump? | New York Times

Listened to ‘The Daily’: Does Mueller Have a Plan for Trump? by Michael Barbaro from nytimes.com

White House lawyers have claimed that Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel overseeing the Russia investigation, will not indict the president, regardless of his findings. If that’s true, then what is the purpose of his inquiry?

On today’s episode:

• Michael S. Schmidt, a Washington correspondent who covers national security and federal investigations for The New York Times.

Background reading:

• According to President Trump’s lawyers, Mr. Mueller’s investigators said that they would abide by the Justice Department’s legal and historical precedent to refrain from prosecuting sitting presidents.

• Any discovery of wrongdoing by the president might instead be referred to Congress for a decision, as was done when Presidents Richard M. Nixon and Bill Clinton were under investigation.

• It has been one year since Mr. Mueller was appointed special counsel to look into a dizzying array of events that span years and continents. Here's a guide to what has happened.

🎧 ‘The Daily’: Mueller’s Questions for Trump | New York Times

Listened to ‘The Daily’: Mueller’s Questions for Trump by Michael Barbaro from nytimes.com

The New York Times has obtained the list of questions that Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel looking into Russia’s election interference, wants to ask President Trump. The wide-ranging queries offer a rare view into an investigation that has been shrouded in secrecy.

On today’s episode:

• Michael S. Schmidt, who has been covering the Russia investigation for The Times.

Background reading:

• The Times reports that Mr. Mueller’s team shared with the president’s lawyers a list of at least four dozen questions, the majority of which focus on possible obstruction of justice in the Russia investigation.

• Here are the questions, along with a look at their context and significance.

If his attorneys couldn’t have guessed all of these questions by themselves, they should be fired. The real secret is to know the hidden questions to things they’re aware of, but no one knows they’re privy to.

👓 Why Mueller Has to Expose Trump’s Crooked Business Empire | Daily Intelligencer | New York Magazine

Read Why Mueller Has to Expose Trump’s Crooked Business Empire by Jonathan Chait (Daily Intelligencer)
If Trump is laundering money, and he probably is, the Russians know about it. So do Michael Cohen’s gangster friends.
I read the story about Trump’s empire the other day and remarked about how screwwy the situation seemed and wondered where the investigation into his businesses and taxes was and why we hadn’t heard much about it. Well it seems to be coming out in more force.

In this article, Chait indicates what is only incredibly obliquely implied in that Washington Post article: Trump is likely laundering money for Russian concerns for he can’t honestly have the native cash flow from honest dealings to be spending the way he has. This is a much more stark take on this recent financial reporting.

👓 Rosenstein Tells Trump He’s Not a Target in Mueller, Cohen Probes | Bloomberg

Read Rosenstein Tells Trump He’s Not a Target in Mueller, Cohen Probes (Bloomberg.com)
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told President Donald Trump last week that he isn’t a target of any part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation or the probe into his longtime lawyer, Michael Cohen, according to several people familiar with the matter.

👓 Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say | Washington Post

Read Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say (Washington Post)
Mueller is interviewing senior intelligence officials as the Russia probe widens.