Bookmarked BigBlueButton - Web Conferencing System Designed For Online Learning (
Engage Your Online Students
BigBlueButton is a web conferencing system designed for online learning.
Looking for a professional solution for teaching remote students online?  BigBlueButton provides real-time sharing of audio, video, slides, chat, and screen. 
Watched Introducing JIMU Robot Mythical Series: UnicornBot Kit from YouTube
Introducing the JIMU Robot Mythical Series: UnicornBot Kit.
The instructions for the Jimu Unicorn robot don’t describe what the white pen-like thing, part T01 x 1 (WHT), is used for. The videos online don’t have it either.

Essentially it’s a building tool that can be pulled apart and the thin pointy end is for pushing the connectors out of their positions while the other end can be squeezed lightly like a tweezer to remove the connector pieces if they’re stuck.

Bookmarked Type Scale - A Visual Calculator (

A type tool by Jeremy Church

How to Use

I like to enter the base font-size for paragraph text. Then I select from the surrounding values for headers and small text.

There are no rules. Just experiment and have fun. Try using the values for line-height, margins or whatever, and see what works.

hat tip: gRegorLove
Bookmarked TiddlyWiki — a non-linear personal web notebook (

Have you ever had the feeling that your head is not quite big enough to hold everything you need to remember?

Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a unique non-linear notebook for capturingorganising and sharing complex information.

Use it to keep your to-do list, to plan an essay or novel, or to organise your wedding. Record every thought that crosses your brain, or build a flexible and responsive website.

Unlike conventional online services, TiddlyWiki lets you choose where to keep your data, guaranteeing that in the decades to come you will still be able to use the notes you take today.

Read Zocurelia - Inspiring Learners to Read and Discuss by Axel DürkopAxel Dürkop (
With Zocurelia you can increase the fun of reading online literature together. The browser tool shows the activity of a reading community directly in the context of the texts being read and discussed. This way learners can be motivated to participate and join the discussion - hopefully hypothetically. In this article I will explain my motivation, ideas and decisions that led to the development of Zocurelia.

For those interested in online reading groups, journal clubs, OER, open education, marginal syllabus, etc., Axel Dürkop has created quite a lovely little tool that mixes Zotero with

Using his online version (though the code is open source and it looks like I could pretty quickly host my own), it only took me a few minutes to mock up a collaborative space using an Econ Extra Credit group I’d tried to encourage. This could be quite cool, particularly if they continued the series past the first recommended textbook.

I could easily see folks like Remi Kalir using this as part of their marginal syllabus project and allowing students to recommend texts/articles for class and aggregating discussions around them.

First of all, I wanted to learn more about how to inspire learners to read. And this means for me as an educator to create a technical and social environment that is welcoming and easy to participate in.

Annotated on March 03, 2020 at 08:01PM

I want to have ways to show learners that I chose the texts for them, as I’m convinced that empathy is motivating.

I quite like this idea as a means of pedagogy.
Annotated on March 03, 2020 at 08:03PM

Listened to Microcast #082 – Nodenoggin by Doug Belshaw from Thought Schrapnel

This week, I’ve been delighted to be able to catch up with Adam Procter, academic, games designer, open advocate, and long-time supporter of Thought Shrapnel.

We discussed everything from the IndieWeb to his PhD project, with relevant links below!

Show notes

Read Announcing Mimi Uploader for hosted blogs by Sam (
I’m very excited to announce the launch and availability of my new app, Mimi Uploader. Mimi is designed from the ground up to enable super fast uploading of photos from your device to your hosted blogs. Utilize Mimi to upload a set of photos for making your blog post. Maybe a road trip, or a party, or memories of a special day.
Bookmarked Follow As Intended (
Follow people the way that they'd want you to.
Jacky has built a cool little tool here. It looks like it’s keyed off of rel=”me”, so the word “intended” is carrying some extra weight. I have rel-mes on my site, but I’d prefer people followed my site directly and not my social silos.
Liked Statisfaction by Jeremy CherfasJeremy Cherfas (
It is 160 days since I first noted that I would like to make use of Bise, Jason McIntosh's blog-readership reporter, 118 since I automated downloading the access logs. With half an eye on the project day at IndieWebCamp Austin, time to make good on my promise. Bise expects its log files to be named ...
Acquired Breaker – podcast listening & discovery (Breaker)
Listen to the best new podcast episodes with Breaker. Follow your friends to see what they’re listening to, and discover new shows that you’ll love. Like, share, and comment on your favorite episodes. Join the Breaker community and listen to the best stuff!
Downloaded a copy of this to my Android Phone to test out the functionality. Not much hope for using it as a daily driver, but I’m curious how they handle sharing URLs and if it could be used in creating listen posts.

Reminds me that I should throw a few podcast feeds into Indigenous for Android to see how it might work as a podcatcher and whether it would make a good Listen post micropub client. 2020/Austin/fromflowtostock Session () (#)