👓 Unloved Patches | bitsplitting.org

Read Unloved Patches (Bitsplitting.org)
For a long time I have admired the WordPress project, for developing such a robust blogging platform that is ultimately open, and free, and anybody can contribute improvements to it. I encourage many of my customers to use WordPress with MarsEdit, because it seems like a "safe bet" going forward. M
I’ve heard this story too often before and it just pains me to no end…

👓 Twitter Bans #Resistance-Famous Krassenstein Brothers for Allegedly Operating Fake Accounts | The Daily Beast

Read Twitter Bans #Resistance-Famous Krassenstein Brothers for Allegedly Operating Fake Accounts (The Daily Beast)
Ed and Brian Krassenstein are banned for life after ‘operating multiple fake accounts and purchasing account interactions,’ a Twitter spokesman said.

👓 Snapchat Employees Abused Data Access to Spy on Users | Vice

Read Snapchat Employees Abused Data Access to Spy on Users (Vice)
Multiple sources and emails also describe SnapLion, an internal tool used by various departments to access Snapchat user data.

👓 Investigations into a present but silent Garfield | Fogknife

Read Investigations into a present but silent Garfield by Jason McIntoshJason McIntosh (Fogknife)
I accidentally led a group research project into a dimly remembered but superior predecessor to "Garfield Minus Garfield".

👓 Create your own WordPress.com! | WP Ultimo

Read Create your own WordPress.com! – WP Ultimo (WP Ultimo)
With WP Ultimo you will be able to setup a Website as a Service platform, like WordPress.com or Wix.com, in a matter of minutes, not months!
This is just the sort of thing one could leverage to build a gen2+ IndieWeb platform… 

👓 Hey there, Pro Sites user! | WP Ultimo

Read Hey there, Pro Sites user! (WP Ultimo)
WP Ultimo is a WordPress multisite plugin that allows you to create a network of Premium Sites. Its value proposition is the same as Pro Sites: you can create different subscription tiers and have customers pay you a recurring fee to have a site hosted in your Multisite network. In fact, WP Ultimo was created after I needed a solution for a premium network I was building and found that Pro Sites didn’t quite work for the specific requirements of my project. Instead of trying to adapt Pro Sites, I decided to build my own solution from scratch. This was 2.5 years ago and that codebase is now WP Ultimo.

👓 Testing Webmention to EdTechFactotum site | Clint Lalonde

Read Testing Webmention to EdTechFactotum site by Clint Lalonde (ClintLalonde.net)
I am playing around with some Indieweb plugins, so this is just a test post to see if, by adding a link to a post on my EdTechFacotum site appears in the comments as a webmention. How much of this …

👓 This Is Gonna Be Emotional, We’re Setting over 90% of Our Premium Plugins Free! | WPMU DEV

Read This Is Gonna Be Emotional, We’re Setting over 90% of Our Premium Plugins Free! (WPMU DEV Blog)
WordPress is evolving, and so are we, even though it’s hard to see the kids leave home. It’s almost 12 years since Andrew and I launched WPMU DEV Premium as ‘a subscription-based service that offers advanced plugins for WordPress Multi-User’ and I reckon it’s fair to say that, well, it’s been quite the ride. And as of today, we’re taking another corner, guided by you, our members, and bringing all of our focus and efforts to the core services and functionality you care most about when it comes to running a great WordPress site, or two, or a few thousand.
This is awesome and sad at the same time. They’ve got an interesting reader hiding in here as well as the backbone of the edublogs platform. This latter could be used to create a platform for a WordPress-based IndieWeb platform.

👓 Weekly Top 30 Songs | DP Projects

Read Weekly Top 30 Songs (dpprojects.org)
The Weekly Top 30 (WT30) is the weekly ranking of the thirty most streamed tracks of the week by Michael L. Douglas, MD, MBA. It represents an active hobby by its creator and is subject to augmentation, suspension, or cancelation at any time.

👓 Three things about Readers during IndieWebCamp Nürnberg | Seblog

Read Three things about Readers during IndieWebCamp Nürnberg by Sebastiaan AndewegSebastiaan Andeweg (seblog.nl)
Oh IndieWebCamp. You come with a few things you want to for your own website, then you do some completely other things, and after that you leave with an even longer list of things to do for your own website. This year is marked as the ‘Year of the Reader’, and indeed, there was a lot of Reader t...