Richard Branson says that success is in the details. Here's why he leaves his computer behind and takes handwritten notes on everything.
Month: January 2018
👓 Analysis | Polls show ‘no one’ cares about the Russia investigation, White House press secretary said. That’s not true. | Washington Post

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said President Trump will not address the ongoing investigation into collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia because no Americans care about the issue.
Checkin UCLA Mathematical Sciences Building
👓 AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s claims in his State of Union address | AP News
WASHINGTON (AP) — The AP is fact-checking remarks from President Donald Trump's State of the Union speech. Here's a look at some of the claims we've examined (quotations from the speech as delivered or as released by the White House before delivery): WAGE GAINS TRUMP: "After years and years of wage stagnation, we are finally seeing rising wages." THE FACTS: Actually, they are not rising any faster than they have before. Average hourly pay rose 2.5 percent in 2017, slightly slower than the 2.9 percent increase recorded in 2016.
🎧 This Week in Tech 651 Occupy Fiber | TWiT.TV
Elon Musk's great ideas: Tesla, SpaceX, flamethrowers. Apple HomePod arrives next week. Google Clips camera is not at all creepy, we swear. Nobody won the Lunar X Prize. Amazon Go officially opens. Montana, New York, AT&T, John Deere, and Burger King take up the Net Neutrality battle. Intel's Spectre patch is a garbage fire.
Checkin Super Dry Cleaners
Reply to Why we transitioned from Medium back to our own blog | Baremetrics
But, even with this, you’re only getting 50% of the value of having your own website because you’ve only got one way communication out. Next you’ll need communication back in. What if I said you could get a lot of the comments, likes, and interactions from those other silos back into your website too? This way the conversations others are having relating to your content also come back to your site and enrich it there? What if you could own all (or almost all) of the conversation around your content?
Think about it, what if there was an @mention functionality that worked from website to website instead of being stuck inside Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Flickr etc.? Interestingly, it exists! And you can set it up for free with last year’s new W3C Webmention protocol which already has WordPress plugins ready to go. Roughly for WordPress you’ll need the Webmentions plugin, the Semantic Linkbacks plugin, the Syndication Links plugin, a few strategically placed rel=”me” tags on your site, (maybe some tweaks to your microformats on your theme), and a free account. Details for setting it up can be found on the WordPress pages of the website. I suspect if you’re strong enough to have figured out the tech for your article, you could probably have it up and running in under an hour or so. Then instead of feeding content from your blog to the black hole of social media, you could have actual two-way communication with many social silos! Now you won’t need to pay as much attention to those other sites as you can use your WordPress site as an “app” to interact with them instead.
I’m happy to help walk you through it if you’re interested and need help. My own personal site has some documentation of some of the above as well as examples of how it works.
In some sense, hopefully this post on my site will be an interesting exemplar. I own it and “loaned” or syndicated copies to Disqus and Twitter. Comments, likes and reposts you make to the Twitter copy will automatically be ported back here after the fact using (Sadly, Disqus isn’t supported–yet.)
🎧 Modernist BreadCrumbs | Episode 8: Breadbox
Bread is immeasurable, no longer bound by precepts. The new dictum of baking bread is built on shapes and sizes we haven’t even dreamt of. This episode, the proverbial breadbox of the series, will hold all the bits of bread we haven’t gotten to yet, or have yet to be made.
This episode did a bit too much waxing poetic on bread. As a result, it probably would have done a far better job of having been episode one of the series instead of the last and instead edited to provide an introduction to bread and its importance. Even more so when I recall how dreadfully put together episode one of the series was.
On the science/tech front there were only one or two vignette’s here that were worth catching. The rest was just bread poetry.
One interesting aside was a short discussion about the “free” bread that restaurants often put out. Sadly, while still all-too-common, most places really put out bad bread instead of good bread. I often think how much I’d rather actually pay for such a product at a restaurant, particularly if it’s good. Perhaps I just need to leave more restaurants when they put out bad bread knowing that things probably aren’t going to improve?
Summary of the series: It wasn’t horrible, but it also wasn’t as great as I would have hoped. The primary hosts always sounded a bit too commercial and I felt like anytime I heard them I was about to hear a bumper commercial instead of the next part of the story. Somehow it always felt like the interviewer and the interviewee were never in the same room together and that it was all just cut together in post. It was painful to follow the first episode, but things smoothed out quickly thereafter and the production quality was generally very high. Sadly the editorial didn’t seem to be as good as the production value. I almost wonder if the book went out and hired a network to produce this for them, but just found the wrong team to do the execution.
Too often I found myself wishing that Jeremy Cherfas had been picked up to give the subject a proper 10+ episode treatment. I suspect he’d have done a more interesting in-depth bunch of interviews and managed to weave a more coherent story out of the whole. Alas, twas never thus.