Automattic, the company behind, WooCommerce, Longreads, Simplenote and a few other things, is acquiring Brooklyn-based startup Atavist. Atavist has been working on a content management system for independent bloggers and writers. With an Atavist website, you can easily write and publi…
Month: August 2018
👓 About |

My name is Marco, and I’m working as the Mozilla accessibility QA engineer and evangelist. I joined Mozilla on December 3rd, 2007. Initially working from within the QA team, I transferred to the newly founded dedicated accessibility team in April of 2011. Before my full-time employment, I voluntee...
👓 The Future of Digital Teaching and Learning-my point of view | Cheri Ouimet
For some people and some learning styles, technology is a scary and uncomfortable word, let alone medium. Yes, students of today understand technology better than most adults. But, that doesn’t mean that all students understand technology to the same extent as their peers. We have created many opportunities to even the playing field for learning differences in our educational system, but have we done enough to do that with technology? Or do we just assume that all students understand it to the same extent and glide over those that don’t? I believe that we assume… We haven’t done enough to make sure that all students are comfortable with technology and we NEED to do that moving forward. Why? Because technology is here to stay and we need to make sure that we bring enough students along on this journey as possible.
👓 #IndieWebCamp Returns to New York City | Greg McVerry
We need to take back the web. It is time to seize control of your own data, take control of your data and help build a community that shares your values. Please join us and the The Siedenberg Computer Science and Information Systems School at Pace University for two ...
Given the location and some of the potential topics, this portends some interesting things!
❤️ Protohedgehog tweet about science

No-one becomes a scientist because they want to lock knowledge away.
— Jon Tennant (@Protohedgehog) August 2, 2018

The instructive meme I made with Glitch for .
👓 Funny memes often come from dark places — remember that before you make your own | The Verge
Memes, just like every other joke format, don’t exist in a vacuum, which is why being aware of their origins is crucial
📺 MoviePass is using you to ruin the movies | YouTube
MoviePass announced a movie theater subscription plan that seemed too good to be true in 2018. As it turns out, it was. As the service bled cash, subscribers were actually the ones taking the hit, with their subscriptions being swapped, changed, or even revoked entirely. So while MoviePass isn’t the movie industry’s savior, it could illuminate a path forward for theaters to take control of their own destinies.
👓 Why cartoon characters wear gloves | Vox
Those little gloves reveal the fascinating origins of animation.
📺 Why cartoon characters wear gloves | Vox | YouTube
Animators had a few tricks up their slee...err gloves.
👓 The Information on School Websites Is Not as Safe as You Think | New York Times
Some tracking scripts may be harmless. But others are designed to recognize I.P. addresses and embed cookies that collect information prized by advertisers.
Administrators: But they were give us the technology for free…
Really? Why not try pooling small pieces of resources within states to make these things you want and protect your charges? I know you think your budget is small, but it shouldn’t be this expensive.
👓 abc News | Peter Woit

The last couple months I’ve heard reports from several people claiming that arithmetic geometers Peter Scholze and Jakob Stix had identified a serious problem with Mochizuki’s claimed proof of the abc conjecture. These reports indicated that Scholze and Stix had traveled to Kyoto to discuss this with Mochizuki, and that they were writing a manuscript, to appear sometime this summer. It seemed best then to not publicize this here, better to give Mochizuki, Scholze and Stix the time to sort out the mathematics and wait for them to have something to say publicly. Today though I saw that Ivan Fesenko has put out a document entitled Remarks on Aspects of Modern Pioneering Mathematical Research.
The intrigue of this case is quite interesting. Take a look at some of the comments on these posts. Some border on religious zealotry, and even this when I know Peter heavily curates his comments section to make them useful.
👓 The Expensive Education of Mark Zuckerberg and Silicon Valley | Kara Swisher for New York Times

They have weaponized social media, and we are all paying the price.
I still find it interesting that no one seems to be taking him to either enough task or calling him out on potential political bids. He could very easily and quickly use the platform to drastically reshape the political scenery in America and around the world.
Aside: Interesting to note that Kara Swisher’s byline here doesn’t have a link on it, even to a default NY Times page for her.