Read The Future of Publishing? by Dan AllossoDan Allosso (
I got a note from the senior executive editor at Yale, who has been my main contact throughout the process of getting my book published. Peppermint Kings has not been flying out of the warehouse so…
Sorry to hear this Dan, but I might be able to help in terms of providing some perspective for moving forward.

These days the idea of bestseller means selling in the range of 10,000 books. The average book released these days sells only 250 copies, so if you’re over that, you’re doing well.

It’s also incredibly uncommon for any publishers to put any serious money behind promoting their titles unless PR opportunities are falling off the trees for them. (This means that unless you’ve been selling a million copies of everything you write, they probably don’t care.) Many publishers will assign you a pro-forma publicist to help when they can, but don’t expect much from them. Most publishers will tell you to hire your own book publicist (usually for about $1,500-3,000 a month).

My guess is that the first run of your book was probably 1,000 to 2,000 books, which will bring the cost of raw printing down to $2 a copy. If you need copies of your book and they’re remaindering them, you might offer the publisher $1-2 a copy plus shipping to get 50 or 100 copies for yourself for hand sales over the next decade (for speaking engagements, etc.) or selling a few copies from your own stash on platforms like Amazon, Abebooks, Alibris, etc. The cost of keeping a book in print these days is usually around $12 a year and then they print them on demand.

Some of the methods you mentioned, talks, online readings, etc. can be useful marketing for both you and your book(s). Look around your local community/state for book events, fairs, bookstores that invite authors, etc to supplement this.

Depending on your next title, it might be worth hiring a publicist if you’re going the route of a text accessible to a broader public.Often this can be a reasonable risk but getting copies into reviewers’ hands can be helpful, as can radio or print appearances. Another option is to pay for adds in appropriate print magazine outlets related to your material.

It’s an uphill slog, but getting a publisher to take most of the risk and offering you all the free amenities of editing, proofreading, typesetting and distribution can be worth it in the end to get your material out.

When choosing your next publisher/editor, have a bit of this conversation with them at the outset to see what expectations they have for themselves. Don’t tip your hand though by letting them know prior sales numbers.

Since you’ve got your own website/newsletter/social media presence, you should also look into affiliate accounts with the bigger online platforms. Chances are you’re actually selling most of your own copies, you may as well get a 4% or larger cut of the referrals you’re giving. Your link on this page alone could give you a reasonable little return on top of the boilerplate 7% you’re probably getting from the publisher.

Read Thread by whitney trettien (Twitter)

There are surprisingly few digital editions of commonplace books, especially given how the genre lends itself to digitization. What we’ve made isn’t perfect but we hope it helps others think through/with these types of books. More about that here:… 

I’ve seen some people building digital commonplace books in real time, but I’m also curious to see more academics doing it and seeing what tools and platforms they’re using to do it.

Given the prevalence for these in text, I’d be particularly curious to see them being done as .txt or .md files and then imported into platforms like Obsidian, Roam Research, Org Mode, TiddlyWiki, et al for cross linking and backlinking.

I’ve seen some evidence of people doing some of this with copies of the bible or Frankenstein, but yet to see anyone digitize and cross link old notebooks or commonplace books.
Annotated on April 09, 2021 at 04:55PM

Replied to a tweet by Remi KalirRemi Kalir (Twitter)
Congratulations Remi and Antero!

It’s very meta, but now we’re going to all start begging you for individual copies with your personal annotations of the title page! If you’re willing, send us your Venmo/Paypal/other payment information so we can reimburse you for copies, postage, and processing time. 😉

Replied to New discoveries about Stonehenge by Lynne Kelly (Lynne Kelly)

Firstly, an entire tribe moving from Wales to the Salisbury Plain took their encyclopaedia with them. This would require the circle to be erected in the same order as in Wales and oriented in the same direction. In effect, these people were taking their database of knowledge with them, the structure in the stones, and the data in their memories.

Secondly, a different tribe conquering those in Wales might identify just how effective this memory technique is and steal only the technology. Essentially, they stole the database structure and filled it with their own data. The bluestones are particularly suited to a mnemonic purpose due to the blotches and blobs in their material makeup.

Perhaps there’s a third possibility not mentioned here?

Perhaps the group at Waun Mawn, traded a portion of their knowledge and database to a more powerful and potentially more central nearby group of people? The evidence indicates that many of the people buried at Stonehenge were originally from the area of Wales where some of the stones originated. The fact that some stones remained behind may mean that some of the needed local encyclopedia stayed behind.

Replied to a tweet by rachel symerachel syme (Twitter)
I find myself regularly revisiting Vannevar Bush’s July 1945 essay As We May Think from The Atlantic.


Replied to a tweet by Dr. Valerie Irvine (she/her)Dr. Valerie Irvine (she/her) (Twitter)
Not only FUN, but I managed to learn a lot and walk away with a few months worth of material for my reading list. #EdCamp #bcedChat #edci336 #uviced
Replied to a tweet (Twitter)
Thank you. I can’t wait to see everyone at OERxDomains21 coming up:

Replied to a thread by joanne mcneil, Anil Dash, Andy Baio (Twitter)
I used to miss the reading/social aspects of GR until I switched to using my own website in combination with social readers like Aperture and Indigenous. (Aaron Parecki has a good overview of what it looks like; the space has grown quite a bit since his original post in 2018.)

I heartily agree with @waxpancake that the open web needs some better discovery options.

Replied to a tweet by Brian LeRoux (Twitter)
IndieWeb IS wonderfully popular!

You’re maybe wondering why more companies haven’t turned IndieWeb building blocks into a product like has?

There are a few others certainly.

For the masses, we’re going to need more providers who are ethically working toward IndieWeb as a Service (IaaS). Companies willing to allow people to be the customer rather than exploiting them as the product.

Of course, if you’re running WithKnown, you’re already there with all the trimmings. If you’re on WordPress or Drupal with your own domain, you’re already there too, but you can add lots of additional interactive functionality with a few plugins. There are dozens of available platforms that will do the job and each one has a multitude of options and configurations.

All that choice comes with a spectacular amount of complexity. Hopefully some clever companies will narrow down some popular options and make them available to large numbers of people for a reasonable price.

(Personally I wonder what things might look like if your online social IndieWeb infrastructure was run by your local public library or your local newspaper?)

The community has and continues to do a lot of incredibly difficult work to make dramatically different websites be able to interoperate and communicate with one another. Many of the roads are well worn now, we need others to come and pave them to be as equitable and easy-to-use for the rest of humankind.

All this said, of course we still also have additional complex problems like privacy, safety, anti-bullying, etc. to conquer so that we don’t end up with a decentralized version of Facebook and continue repeating the same problems of the past.

Many of us are content with small, organic growth. Massive overnight growth is often a myth, and if it does happen, you can have unmanageable and unanticipated problems seen in situations like the “eternal September“.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
—Margaret Mead

Replied to a tweet by (Twitter)
Watch my linked thoughts aggregating over time.

#​​ObsidianInMotion #​​WatchMyThoughtBubble #​​CommonplaceBook

If only finding and using the resources to make the video was as easy as using Obsidian itself…

Replied to a tweet by Kevin M. Kruse (Twitter)
Let’s be honest. If you’re going to have someone sign a Dr. Seuss book that isn’t Theodor Geisel, at least get someone truly consequential—and for a good reason.

Front inside cover of Dr. Seuss' book Green Eggs and Ham with Sam and a plate of food on the right and an inscription dated 11/19/94 "Chris, Keep Hope Alive!" above the signature of Jesse Jackson

Replied to a tweet by Chris Wells (Twitter)
For posting threads to Twitter, I love which gives you raw HTML you could cut and paste to your own website. (I do wish it had Micropub support, so I could just authenticate and post it to my site directly.)

There is a space for an open source thread viewer though. Perhaps something along the lines of what Dave Winer has been experimenting with? Though his also has functionality for posting to his website too.

Replied to A Throwback To the Past: Introducing the Blogroll Block WordPress Plugin by Justin Tadlock (WordPress Tavern)
It was 2003. I was just getting my first taste of blogging and similar experiments on the world wide web. Seemingly every blog I toured showcased a long list of the owner’s friends. These wer…
Michael Beckwith, this is genius. Long live blogrolls!

But let’s be honest, they’re a sort of discovery method that is also built into other social platforms: Twitter lists,Twitter follow lists, Facebook lists, etc. Most now have AI using these lists to suggest who you ought to follow next. When will WordPress get that plugin?

My issue is that in a bigger social space, we need full pages for these sorts of data rather than the small sidebar widgets of yore.

This was the last serious conversation I remember seeing about the old Link Manager:

So who besides Michael has a blogroll now? Mine’s at Where’s yours?!