After a bit of experimentation and tinkering tonight, it appears that one can use their website to create threaded conversations on (and likely other portions of the ) using the IndieWeb syndication strategy of POSSE with backfeed of comments using and I’d outlined the process using Twitter in the past, and the same principles seem to work well for Mastodon.
For this week, I’m recommending a feed reader—a different sort of feed reader: Kicks Condor has designed an interface that you can sort by frequency/time as well as tag. It also encourages you to read content on the person’s site directly, so you get the web experience they chose rather than a more vanilla interface.
In addition to following people on Mastodon in your feed reader via , you can also follow hashtags which appear there. For example, to follow try: #FeedReaderFriday 

Keep in mind that the output of these feeds will be instance specific, and the tag feed will only get mentions from your instance and instances yours can “see” (or gets by follows with federation). So if you use a different instance, you may see more or less in your feeds. Because of its size and depth of federation, this makes a good bet for these sorts of subscriptions, but your experience may vary depending on your needs.


TO: app developers considering and other related apps and interfaces

Perhaps spend a day or two to add Micropub support to the platform first, then your app could potentially be used to publish to ANY website/platform that supports the W3C spec.

This I’m recommending:

And all three for their kindness and thoughtfulness in technology spaces.

Perhaps hidden/unknown to many, but and other instances running the Hometown version of Mastodon, have the ability to post only to their local community and specifically not federate their content to the broader Fediverse. In the posting interface, click on the link icon and choose whether you want to allow your post greater reach or stay only within your community. This can be a helpful affordance for having smaller/restricted conversations.

User interface from highlighting the fifth icon, a link, with a drop down menu to choose either federating one's post or making it local only.

@jimgroom I’ve not seen the admin UI, but is there a toggle for what appears on the /explore page of an instance? I notice that some smaller instances have pages of people to check out (opted in by each user in the settings), eg: Did specifically opt out of this for its instance?
Wonder what I’m reading? Here’s my own following list:

A central list I control with associated RSS feeds & OPML files makes it portable for use in various kinds of feed/social readers.